D J Cooper Author Radio Host

D J Cooper Author Radio Host

April 14, 2016 Books Books Interview Prepping for Tomorrow Surviving Dystopia 0

D J COOPER: Author and Fellow APN Radio Host
Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow

D J CooperOn this week’s episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program with Author Bobby Akart, APN Radio host and Author, DJ Cooper, will be my special guest.

Like so many of our fellow authors, Dee Cooper was an avid reader and lover of books before she became a writer. Since childhood, she often wrote short stories and poetry, just for fun. Her career started as a ghost writer, but she eventually took the plunge into the world of post-apocalyptic, dystopian fiction.

Surviving Distophia320x400Her first novel, SURVIVING DYSTOPIA: The Beginning of the End, released about a year ago. The story follows a group who learn how to survive a catastrophic event the hard way. As we all know, not everyone is completely prepared for TEOTWAWKI. Dee provides us a very real-world look at what it takes to survive when society collapses around us.

DYSTOPIA is written from a different view than most post-apocalyptic novels. It shows us the trials and tribulations of those who are moderately prepared, and the pitfalls of not having the resources and skills that are possessed by committed preppers. It is an eye opening account that should motivate everyone to get ready!

We’ll discuss collapse events, and levels of (un)preparedness. Also, we’ll take a look at some of the topics she covers on her Prepper Broadcasting Network show, Surviving Dystopia, which airs on Wednesday nights at 9ET, on APN Radio.
Visit Bobby Akart website HERE! 
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