The Benefits of Social Media in Prepping

The Benefits of Social Media in Prepping

November 15, 2016 Internet Preppers Privacy Security Tech Preps 0

The Benefits of Social Media in Prepping
Highlander “Survival & Tech Preps” Listen in player below!

The Benefits of Social Media in PreppingIn past shows I have talked about the dangers of social media and the internet. This episode I will flip the switch and talk about the benefits of social media in prepping. We often see the dangers of the internet, the bad people that lurk behind the computer screen, identity theft, predators, viruses, scammers and the like. I have done previous shows on the dangers of poor cyber security, scammers, viruses, and tools to help you while you are online.

11-2-16-natural-disaster-phoneThis show will simply be about the benefits of the internet and how it can help you during a disaster. During a shtf situation as with many we have seen in the past few years, social media can be a powerful tool in finding loved ones. The internet is also a great source for getting information out, for gathering information and general peace of mind.

11-2-16-maxresdefaultHowever I personally cannot stand some social medias, people post their lives on there every moment however trivial. We often get annoyed in seeing this and I think those people are just setting themselves up to either get robbed or ridiculed for what they post. We also have to look at the other side of the coin. If a disaster strikes and you cannot get a call out, social media is a powerful tool. You can use social media to post updates of survivors, who is around, available shelters, where you can find water and food, and generally connect with the loved ones you are wondering about.

I will go over a few of these media sites, such as facebook, twitter, snapchat, kik, and other sources where you can keep in contact when the phone system is just too backed up to make any calls as with most disasters the first thing that goes down is the phones, but a lot of times data is still available. So enjoy the show and questions are always welcome!
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