April 5, 2018 Games Politics 0

James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below!

KING OF THE WORLDDid you ever wonder what it would be like to control the game board of life? What would you do if you ad the power to make or remake the rules. We see the aggressive, regressive and radical left wing pushing towards these types of goals. They literally want to flip the game board over or maybe even set the whole thing on fire! For well read, thinking individuals, this is just not an option. We know the cost. That said, we are going to play a little game on the I AM Liberty Show this week.

Listen to this broadcast or download “KING OF THE WORLD” in this player!

After 6 hours of deep conversation about the human condition, firearms, restrictions, personal behavior and its affect on the mass shooting, we are taking a break this week. Rather than spend time in deep thought about how to change the American condition we are going to have some fun and pretend. Yes, we are going to play a bit of pretend on the I AM Liberty Show.

We are going to be Tyrants this Wednesday on the I AM Liberty Show. I am going to take the power of all the universe in my hands and give it to myself and my listeners. I will be asking the question:

“If you were king of the world, what would you change and why?”

There are tons of thoughts that come to mind. There is a slew of instances where things like this need to be explored. I will likely come to the party with anywhere between 5-10 things that I would change. Some will be realistic, and others will be insane. I want to have fun with this one. Let me give you an example.

I decree that large metro cities be disbanded, and the contents of the population therein be moved to the midwestern and southern states where they will have the appropriate room to live self-sufficiently.

Could it work? Most likely not. Would it help? Probably, in the long run.

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