Wild Edibles with Tim MacWelch Part II

Wild Edibles with Tim MacWelch Part II

June 13, 2014 Books Foraging I Am Liberty Plants Sustainability 0

Four Seasons of Wild Edibles with Tim MacWelch Part II
Host: James Walton “I Am Liberty

Tim MacWelch downloadWould you like a copy of “Prepare For Anything” ? Here’s your chance on this edition of I Am Liberty. We only made it into two seasons on our show last week with Tim MacWelch. There was some incredible talk about processing acorns and also some very necessary warning for those who are going out into the woods to give the foraging thing a shot. I highly recommend you listen to Part I of our adventure before tuning into Part II. Not only for your health and wellness but because of the fact that we had great conversation and solid knowledge on a great topic.

Would you have ever imagined spring being a killer season? We talked about Tim’s ancestry and how the Powhatan Indians’ most challenging times came in spring before the food really became substantial.

Going forward we will talk about some great topics. We are going to burn into fall and winter during the show. I can’t wait to hear about the wild edibles out there for these two seasons. I can only imagine that the two will differ very much.

Tim MacWelch staffTim2There is also another bit on our agenda. We will go over the most calorie dense wild foods out there. This is a very important bit of information. There are a lot of tasty, pretty wild edibles out there that are very insubstantial. It is very important that if you ever find yourself in an ugly situation where you are dependent on the weeds around you that you know which will sustain you.

Tim is the author of the new emergency preparedness and survival book – Prepare for Anything. The exciting news for my listeners is that on Fridays show Tim is going to offer up some of his hard work, for free. There will be a copy of “Prepare for Anything” up for grabs for the first caller who has the mustard to call up and talk wild edibles with us, live, on the show.
Visit I Am Liberty website HERE!
Get the book by Tim MacWelch  HERE!

Listen to this broadcast of Four Seasons of Wild Edibles with Tim MacWelch Part II in player below!

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