Talking Fiction!

Talking Fiction!

August 5, 2015 Books Fiction Surviving Dystopia 0

Talking Fiction
DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia

Like DJ Cooper, BC Lauer writes post-apocalyptic fiction and is the other Author scheduled to hang out for the Limo Contest

Talking FictionSpecial Guest – BC Lauer – Live Streaming Show

This week DJ Cooper has special guest BC Lauer, Author of the political post-apocalyptic fiction novel “I overthrew the government and this is how I did it.”  Join us for a little friendly banter about the author and the process in writing apocalyptic works.  BC Lauer served four years of active duty service in the Air Force and an additional ten years in the Air National Guard.  Drawing upon that knowledge to write his book he will share his story.

8-5-15 2Also on the agenda is some chatter about the things considered in his book when the characters are in some of their most dystopian moments.  How he finds the ideas in his book and where he draws his knowledge from.  We are also going to discuss DJ Cooper’s book and some of the resources used by the group in this book.  Finding ways we can incorporate fiction into our goals to becoming more prepared.  Fiction can provide not only information with ideas to things in your preps but also as a distraction or better yet to help us focus.  Ways we can use fiction to enhance our preparedness outlook and provide us with the entertainment factor we need sometimes to just blow off some steam or take a breather.

Both what are called Indie authors our books are written from the heart, not changed by publishers.  The meat of the story remains along with the heart that was put into it.

Yes you know me by now and a good quote never escapes me so…

“There are books full of great writing that don’t have very good stories. Read sometimes for the story… don’t be like the book-snobs who won’t do that. Read sometimes for the words–the language. Don’t be like the play-it-safers who won’t do that. But when you find a book that has both a good story and good words, treasure that book.” –Stephen King

Join DJ “Dee” Cooper and BC “Brian” Lauer in this discussion, Put your feet up Grab a Cuppa’ something and give a listen.  Stop by join them in the chat room or talk live by calling into the show and ask that question you have been itching to have answered…either that or just to mix it up a bit.
Get the Book… I overthrew the government and this is how I did it

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