Book Review: FOXFIRE

Book Review: FOXFIRE

January 28, 2016 Books Preparedness Surviving Dystopia 0

Book Review: FOXFIRE
DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia

Foxfire bookI’ve been having guests on the show to talk about their books and have talked about mine but I want to talk about a favorite series of books.  The Fox Fire Books… I currently have volumes 1-6 and every time I open the pages of this wonderful walk into history I am amazed at how it came about and what it really represents.

Foxfire came about as a classroom experiment…Yep, you got it right students did this!

What strikes me right out of the gate is the dedication in the very first volume…

” This book is dedicated to the people of these mountains in the hope

that, through it, some portion of their wisdom, ingenuity and individuality

will remain long after them to touch us all.”

1-27-16 artRayConnorI have often mused on the show about things I learned from my grandmother and mother, how I could sit for hours and listen to the stories that “gramma” would tell and soak up every bit of information she would share and now do the same with my mother and share with my daughter.  It is a great circle of information and too often it is lost.

1-27-16 F1“Daily our grandparents are moving out of our lives, taking with

them, irreparably, the kind of information contained in this book.

They are taking it, not because they want to, but because they think we don’t care.”

-Excerpt from Foxfire I

There are twelve volumes in the Foxfire series of books, and these are actually a compilation of articles that were published in the Foxfire magazine beginning in 1966.  We talk about surviving dystopia on this show and the examples in these books tell of a life that the everyday way of doing things is what we nowadays might consider that “Dystopia.”

1-27-15 IMG_7226This series is close to my heart as in my writing I have a book that is taking forever to compile that is much the same, in this book I seek stories of the past to share with readers the thoughts and ponderings of the elderly.  Seeking to not lose the knowledge of our grandparents and save it for future generations to marvel at, much as I did as a wide eyed girl hanging on Gramma’s every word.

Join me as I share with you some of the favorite parts of this wonderful series that every prepper should have.  In just the first volume alone we talk about Hog dressing, building a log cabin, recipes, home remedies and more.

Get your own copy of the Foxfire books and other great publications HERE!

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