Makers on Acres!


Makers On Acres… Technology, Build, and Grow Show

Your host: “Brett Bauma”

 Listen & Chat HERE on Saturday 9:00pm/Est 6:00pm/Pacific
This week: “Makers On Acres”  5/7/2016

Tech & Coding for Newbies!

On the next episode of the Makers on Acres Tech build and Grow Show, we discuss getting into tech and coding for newbies!

Many of the people who are involved in prepping and or homesteading may stay clear of a lot of technology. Many people steer clear of technology, knowledge and learning, because they fear they may not be able to learn it or start the new skill at an older age.

Modern technology makes the world go ‘round. If we are to keep up with the world and stay ahead of the future, we must jump on board with the new electronics and advances in technology. On many of my past shows I have discussed Arduino and briefly about Orange Pi and Raspberry Pi’s. These small computers and controllers are a great starting point for those who are looking to get into technology and computer coding as well. These products are designed to be simple enough for a young child to use and learn, but advanced enough for a robotics engineer to use in prototyping and design. Putting off these technologies simply puts you at an intellectual disadvantage in this world that we live in today. These boards can be used to implement so many projects, ideas, inventions and more.

Previously I have discussed some basics on the Arduino, but on the next episode I am going to be introducing many more products and technologies that can help transform your knowledge, skills and even your life. If you are simply looking for a fun and rewarding new hobby, or trying to invent a groundbreaking new product for market, you must tune in to hear about some of the awesome things that are available to you in the exciting world of micro controllers and computers.

Don’t miss out on this upcoming technology show!

Makers On Acres Website:
Twitter: @MakersOnAcres ,

Go to Listen and Chat This Saturday 9pm/Est. 6pm/Pt

Listen / Download archived shows for “Makers On Acres”  at bottom of this page!

        About: Makers On Acres

Technology, Build, and Grow Show

Makers On Acres Technology, Build, and Grow Show is built around the premise of creating, designing, and making our own systems on our homesteads and homes. From Arduino and automation to wood fired boilers to heat our homes and shops. Tune in to learn new skills, ideas and technology to better your life and make it more productive.

Much of our focus on the show is dedicated to gardening and food production through the coupling of technology and hands on skills. We will be designing and talking about many automation and electronics projects that will allow you to automate your systems from a simple auto watering flower pot to a fully automated food producing greenhouse.

Taking old world skills and adding modern automation technology we can all free up time, and increase the productivity of our lives leading up to our own self reliance.

Remember to join us live in the chat room. This show is for you!

Go to Listen and Chat This Saturday 9pm/Est. 8pm/Ct  6pm/Pt


Archived shows:
For more detailed show description and the player to listen or download click on links below!

4/16/2016 Alternative Energy

4/9/2016 Personal Sustainability!

3/26/2016 Agriculture, keeping up pt 2!

3/19/2016 Agriculture, keeping up!

3/13/2016 Tools Talk

3/5/2016 Control projects created!

2/27/2016  Technology transform and affect!

2/20/2016 Permaculture and Perennial systems

2/13/16 Be creative, make it yourself!

2/6/2016 Electricity and backup power options.



1/16/2016 Aquaponics!

1/9/2016 Self Reliant, breaking free!

1/2/2016 High production gardening!

12/26/2015 Building your own systems. Why buy?

12/19/2015 Automated Greenhouses!