The Herbal Prepper Live!

The Herbal Prepper Live Solid

The Herbal Prepper Live with: “Cat Ellis”

 Listen & Chat HERE on Sunday 7:00pm/Est 4:00pm/Pacific

Archived shows listed at bottom of page.

This week: “The Herbal Prepper Live”  4/29/2018

How to Be Prepared for Anything

(or, What I Wish I Knew When I Started Prepping)

When a person becomes a prepper, they often go through a “waking up” phase to all the potential risks one could face. It can be an overwhelming amount of information to take in. There is a desire to get prepared for anything and everything.

A decade ago, I became a prepper and went through that “waking up” process. In that time, I’ve made some huge mistakes and learned a lot of both what to do, and what not to do.

Taking in all the information in prepping books, on YouTube prepper channels, online forums, current events, etc., I had moments of absolute panic.  How I could possibly get prepared for all these different SHTF scenarios?

This also isn’t just a problem for new preppers. Long-time preppers can fall into this trap too. Just check out the panic every time North Korea tests a missile, or Russia sends ships or planes too close to our borders.

That type of “I need to get prepped for everything right now!” panic is a recipe for a lot of wasted time, energy, and money. You don’t need to do that. There is a better approach. This better approach is what we will cover in this episode.

This episode will cover what you need to survive in any situation, even those long-term, worst case scenario situations. We will also talk about the traps that preppers both new and old fall into, and how to avoid them. How you apply this approach to your household, to your region, to your biggest concerns, and to your budget are entirely up to you.

You may not be able to foresee every potential crisis coming. But, if you prepare intelligently, you will be able to adapt your preps to any emergency.

Listen & Chat HERE on Sundays 7:00pm/Est 4:00pm/Pacific

Herbal Prepper Website:

The Medic Shack:
Homesteading Mom:

Listen / Download archived shows for “The Herbal Prepper Live”  at bottom of this page!

        About: The Herbal Prepper Live

Tune in live every Sunday evening for Herbal Prepper Live, hosted by herbalist and preparedness author Cat Ellis. Cat will show you how a holistic approach to health using natural medicine will make you more prepared for any emergency.

The Herbal Prepper Live Preppers-Natural-MedicineJoin us live to discuss both acute and chronic health conditions that will need care, even if the medical system were to collapse. Would you know how to help a loved one if there were no hospital or pharmacy available? From preventative measures to infections to first aid and emergency care, you need to know how to care for your health care needs.

Herbal Prepper Live is one herbalist’s opinion on alternatives to modern medicine during a total collapse of our way of life. In this hypothetical scenario, there are no doctors, EMTs, hospitals, or pharmacies. Herbal medicine can provide life-saving options in this kind of environment.

The Herbal Prepper Live Prepping for a PandemicThis show is also for the individual who prefers to step outside the system. Preppers, survivalists, and homesteaders are highly independent and self-sufficient people. Many of us just prefer to choose more sustainable, holistic health care, like that found in nutritional therapy with real and traditional foods, herbal remedies, mycology, midwifery, and therapeutic movement.

Whether you prefer to use natural medicine as your “plan B” or as your primary path to health is solely your choice, and no one else’s. That’s what health freedom is all about. Herbal Prepper Live can help you plot out your “plan B” and strengthen your independence from a vulnerable medical system.

However, the time to learn such skills is right now while times are still good. Be sure to listen every Sunday evening at 7pm E / 6pm C / 5pm M / 4pm P. Remember to join us live in the chat room!

Host Bio:

Cat Ellis’ mission in life is to teach as many people as possible how to take charge of their health and well being so they can thrive in both good times and in bad. Cat has hosted her show, Herbal Prepper Live, since 2014.

Cat Ellis is the author of one of the top selling herbal remedy books on Amazon, Prepper’s Natural Medicine: Lifesaving Herbs, Essential Oils, and Natural Remedies for When There Is No Doctor. Her second book, Prepping for a Pandemic: Lifesaving supplies, Skills, and Plans for Surviving an Outbreak, consistently receives high ratings and impressive reviews.

6-12-16 My Books

Cat sees herbal clients in several locations around Southeastern Massachusetts, as well as through online appointments. She is the founder of www.Herbal where she offers online herbal and sustainable living courses. Cat is also a massage therapist, and is currently pursuing studies in midwifery.

 Listen and Chat This Sunday 7pm/Est. 6pm/Ct 4pm/Pt

Archived shows of The Herbal Prepper Live:

For more detailed show description and the player to listen or download click on links below!

4/22/2018 Lyme Disease Part 3

4/15/18 Lyme Disease Part 2

4/9/18 Lyme Disease and plant medicine relief

3/12/18 Early Spring Foraging

2/18/18 Surviving the Flu with Herbs

2/11/18 Jim Cobb, Disaster Prep Author and Educator

2/4/18 Off-Grid Dental Care and Emergencies

1/21/18 Prepping with Arthritis

1/14/18 Yarrow The Battlefield Herb!

1/8/18 Prepping with Asthma

12/17/17 Hypertension after an EMP

12/10/17 Diabetes after an EMP

12/3/17 What Is Your Default Emergency Mode

11/26/17 Handmade Holiday

11/19/17 The Planet Just Dodged a Plague Bullet, For Now

11/13/17 Respiratory Rescue Herbs

10/29/17 Herbal Cold and Flu Care

10/1/17 What’s In Your Holster? Personal Safety with Guest, Cherie Norton

9/24/17 Wound Care Essentials

9/17/17  Prepper Chat with Survival Instructor Chuck Hudson

9/3/17 Fallout and Radiation Sickness

8/21/17 Got herbal questions: Ask Cat

8/6/17 Prepping on the Cheap Part 2- Bugging Out

7/24/17 Prepping on the Cheap Part One: Bugging In

7/16/17 Herbal First Aid Kit part 2

7/9/17 Herbal & Conventional First Aid Kits w/ Guest, Chuck Hudson

7/2/2017 Cyber Attacks: Your Ransomware Wake Up Call

6/25/17 Facing Fibromyalgia

6/18/17 Herbal Approach to Adrenal Fatigue

6/12/17 Adaptogens: Critical Herbs You Probably Don’t Have

6/4/17 Fighting Infections with Herbs

5/21/17 Got herbal questions: Ask Cat

5/7/17 Nuclear Survival: Part Two

4/30/17 Doomsday! Two and a Half Minutes to Midnight

4/23/17 What Preppers Are Storing That Will Kill Them

4/2/17 Herbal First Aid for Eye Health

3/27/17 Fevers Post-SHTF

3/12/17 Could You Set Up a Post-Disaster Medical Lab?

3/5/17 Do you have a plan for migraines?

2/26/17 Parasites Dealing with Infection in a Down-Grid Scenario

2/19/17 Poultices and Salves

1/23/17 Seven Essential Herbal Skills Part 2

1/15/17 Seven Essential Herbal Skills

1/9/2017 Prepping in 2017, Why?

12/18/16 Holiday Herbal Gifts Part 3

12/12/16 Handmade Herbal Gifts: Part Two

11/27/16 Handmade Herbal Gifts

11/20/16 Herbal Steams for Cold and Flu Season

11/7/16 An Herbalist’s View on New “Vet Med” Regulations

10-30-16 Interview with Herbalist Katja Swift

10/23/16 Be Ready, with guest Chuck Hudson

10/16/16 Cooler Heads Will Prevail

10/9/16 Surviving Civil Unrest, Riots and Terror Attacks with Guest Chuck Hudson

10/2/16 Primitive Skills Expert Mike Douglas

9/25/16 Your Herbal and Prepping Questions Answered Live

9/11/16 Women’s Preparedness: Part 2- Just the Herbs

8/28/16 Women’s Preparedness: What Both Men and Women Need to Know

8/21/16 How to Set Up an Emergency Community Clinic

7/14/16 Preserve your medicinal herbs the right way!

8/7/16 Ask Cat!

7/31/16 Groups Vs. Loan Wolf Survival

7/24/16 Self-Reliance Skill: Making Soap

7/17/16 Don’t Lose the Mental Game

6/26/16 Surviving Gangrene Post-SHTF

6/12/16 How to Survive with Hypothyroidism after SHTF

6/5/16 Ask Cat

5/22/2016 Herbs for Seasonal Allergies

5/8/16 How to Make Herbal Tinctures

5/1/2016 You can’t live without your liver

4/24/16  Herbal First Aid Kit Simplified

4/10/2016 Got an Herbal Question? Ask Cat

4/3/2016 Be Better Prepared with Primitive Skills Interview with Michael Douglas of Maine Primitive Skills School

3/20/2016 Herbal remedies for chat!

3/13/2016 Contaminated Water Survival

2/28/2016 PLANTS VS. PESTS!

2/21/16 Medicinal herbs, the ones to grow!

2/14/2016 Is Prepping Enough?

2/7/2016 The Steps to Health Freedom

1/31/2016 Should you be worried about Zika virus?

1/17/16 Fitness As If Survival Mattered Part 3

1/10/2016 Fitness and survival Part 2

1/3/2016 Herbs, Homemade cures, and how to procure


12/20/2016 Antibiotics using Herbs on Herbal Prepper Live


1129/2015 Top Five Cold Weather Risks to Your Heath?

11-22-2015 Bleeding, Now what?

11-15-2015 DIY Herbal Cleaning Supplies!

11/9/2015 Arthritis, The Downfall When The SHTF

11/2/2015 Pandemics The Unknown Threats!

10/26/2015 House Fire, smoke inhalation and burn care!

10/18/2015 Garlic for Post-Disaster Medicine

10/11/2015 Herbs for the Gluten-Free Prepper

10/4/2015 Migraines and Severe Headaches

9/27/2015 It’s About Thyme!

9/20/2015 Be Ready for Cold & Flu Season 2015

9/13/2015 PCOS, Heart Disease, and Herbal Medicine

9/6/2015 How to Keep Your Liver Healthy

8/23/2015 When In Doubt, Treat The Liver!

8/16/2015 Interview with Author Sara F. Hathaway

8/9/2015 Herbal First Aid Kit- Part Three

7/26/15 How To Build An Herbal First Aid Kit

5/24/2015 Herbal Sunburn Care

5/17/2015 Herbal Remedies for Stings and Bites

5/10/2015 Ebola Found Still Living In Recovered Doctor’s Eye

4/26/2015 The REAL War On Women (and Natural Health)

4/19/2015 How to Make Herbal Medicines

4/12/2015 “Herban” Legends- How to find good information on herbal medicine

3/29/2015 Interview with Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper

3/22/2015 Growing Your Own Medicine

3/1/2015 Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis

2/22/2015 Measles Is The New Ebola

2/15/2015 Fight Respiratory Infections with Herbs

2/8/2015 Ditch Medicine

2/1/2015 Are you fit enough to survive civil unrest?

1/25/2015 Interview with Karen Lynn Thompson from Li’l Suburban Homestead

1/18/2015 Becoming Your Own Health Care Provider

1/4/2015 11 Herbs for Healthy Blood Pressure

12/28/2014 Resolve to Get Prepped and Healthy in 2015

 12/21/2014 Stop Taking Echinacea & Goldenseal for Colds!

12/14/2014 Elderberry, the Flu, and You!

12/7/2014 The FDA vs Choice: Is Your Health Freedom At Risk?

11/23/2014 Kick the Cold & Flu

11/16/2014 Cold Weather Injuries

11/9/2014 Accidents Happen

11/2/2014 Interview with The Survival Doctor

10/26/2014 Interview with Sam Coffman of The Herbal Medic

10/19/2014 Interview with Author James Walton

10/12/2014 Pandemic Checklist, Is Yours Complete!

9/28/2014 How to Prepare for Ebola

9/21/2014 Herbal Burn Care!

9/14/2014 Essential Oils For Preparedness

9/7/2014 Essential Oils KISS First Aid Kit

8/31/2014 The Kiss Kit:  Complete Herbal First Aid pt 2

8/17/2014 The KISS Kit: Complete Herbal First Aid

8/10/2014 Herbal Prepper Live with guests Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy

8/3/2014 When the Meds Run Out: Mental Health After the Collapse

Are you prepared for drug-resistant tuberculosis?

7/20/2014 Can You Afford To Get sick When SHTF?

7/6/2014 Cayenne: A Medicine Chest In A Pepper

6/29/2014 Mullein and Hyssop Respiratory Herbs

6/22/2014 Herbal First Aid: Roses

6/15/2014 The Digestive System Part III

6/8/2014 The Digestive System, Part II Rotovirus, Norovirus, Giardia, Cryptosporidium, and Cholera

6/1/2014 Digestive Complaints and Natural Remedies

5/25/2014 Medicinal Honey (Continued) and St. John’s Wort

5/18/2014 The Healing Power of Honey

5/11/2014 Prepping for Pandemics

5/4/2014 Diabetes Post-Collapse

4/27/2014 Herbs, Radiation, and Healing from Exposure

4/20/2014 Stinging Nettle- The Neglected Superfood

4/13/2014 Spring, The Liver,and Seasonal Allergies

4/6/2014 The Basics of Making Herbal Formulas

3/30/2014 Caring for Chronic Illnesses Post-Disaster

3/23/2014 Herbal Antibiotics

3/16/2014 A Collapse-Resiliant Health Care Plan


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