Prepper Resources

Resources and Prepper Sites we recommend:


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Resources below have been found to be tried, true, and reliable for those items and the information you need to achieve the self reliance, self sustainability, and independence that you seek. If you feel you have the resources, information, or the product that is reliable and that others may want go to the contact tab at the top of this page and let us know. 

Prepper/Survival Supplies



















Gunmetal Gear Blog




podcasts, videos, supplies, medical kits, articles, books





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Preparedness Collective




















TWRT Outdoor – Survival – Tech

American Digital News

Welcome to Bayou Town!

The Homesteading and Preparedness Collective

Freedom Fighters of America


The Human Path

Prepper Website

Radio Online

Survival Club 

Beat The End 

The Prepper Project

Prepper Dashboard

Jerry D Young, Books, Stories


Preppers Road March


Some audio for this website provided by Purple Planet

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