Homesteady Live

Homesteady Live! Tuesday 9:00pm/Est 6:00pm/Pacific

Your host: “Austin Martin”

 Listen & Chat HERE on Tuesday 9:00pm/Est 6:00pm/Pacific
This Tuesday: “Homesteady Live”  6/13/17

Homesteading for Preparedness

This week is our last show on the Prepper Broadcasting Network. We have really enjoyed being a part of the network, and hope to be able to be a part of the network in the future! Thanks to all the listeners, and especially those who joined us live!

As a thank you to all the network, this Tuesday we will get together to talk about homesteading as a way to be a prepper, and why it may be a better way to prepare for worse times ahead than just buying Beans, Bullets, and Band-aids…

I want you to think of a future time that is worse than you have ever lived through…

Not many of us alive have lived through the great depression. Imagine what life was like during that time…
Picture living in a world with 25% unemployment. Picture
* Thousands of homeless families camped out on the Great Lawn at Central Park in New York City
* The average income of the American family dropped by 40 percent from 1929 to 1932. Income fell from $2,300 to $1,500 per year.
* The number of suicides jumped to an alarming 18.9 per 100,000 in 1929, the year of the Wall Street crash.

The great depression happened to people who lived through the roaring twenties. It was a TEOTWAWKI. It was a SHTF. –
“The Roaring Twenties had been an exciting period in America with new inventions, technical innovations and changing lifestyles. The feeling of exuberance and invincibility disappeared almost overnight triggered by the 1929 Wall Street Crash and economic collapse in the United States.

During the euphoria of the Roaring Twenties, many of the once “thrifty and prudent” American public adopted the modern philosophy of “Live now, pay later” and bought expensive products, like automobiles, on easy credit terms.”

It was TEOTWAWKI. But it wasn’t the end of the word.

Who survived during the great depression? The same people that will survive future hard times. People who can provide their families basic needs.

Homesteading now is a fantastic way to prepare for hard times ahead.

Prepping the three B’s can make sure that your family survives. But Homesteading can ensure your family can thrive during tough times.

A Homesteader learns during good times the skills needed to thrive.

A homesteader learns during good times how to plant, and care for a garden. When SHTF, they already are familiar with gardening. Instead of pulling emergency seeds out of a mylar bag, and losing 50% of their produce to beginner’s mistakes, they have a garden full of crops, and save seeds from their own heirloom plants.

A homesteader learns during good times how to care for livestock. The know how to breed their own livestock. They know how to cull selectively, how to process their own meat. When SHTF, they don’t find themselves scrambling for meat in the grocery isles, their homesteads are full of protein that their family can use!

A homesteader learns during good times how to hunt, fish and forage. The homesteader knows what plants to look for seasonally in the woods. Where to find wild game, how to track it, where to shoot it, how to dress it, and process it safely. When SHTF the homesteader isn’t reading books on how to kill wild game, he already has the skills needed.

A homesteader learns during good times how to put up a harvest. How to can fruits, veggies, even meat. The homesteader can smoke meats, make charcuterie, salt meat. The homesteader knows how to make jerky. How to pickle. The when SHTF, a homesteader doesn’t need electricity, plastic, or refrigerators.

In the future, we may find ourselves during tough, tough times. It has been years since the last recession. And Decades since a depression.

Learn now the skills needed to thrive. When tough times hit, you can find yourself prepared to survive. Or you can have the skills to thrive.

Go to Listen and Chat This Tuesday 9pm/Est. 6pm/Pt

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Listen / Download archived shows for “Homesteady  at bottom of this page!

        About: Homesteady!

We can’t all move to an off grid self sufficient farm in Alaska. But we can all be more Homesteady. Wether it’s planting a raised bed on your apartment balcony, or raising meat chickens in your backyard, all of us can learn to be more self sufficient.

Homesteady is your weekly chance to learn more about homesteading, farming, fishing, hunting, foraging, and living off the land. Each week we will discuss different homesteading topics, and help everyone get involved, no matter if you live in an apartment building, or a off grid homestead.

We will be joined by special guests from time to time. Accountant Mike, the city slicker farm accountant, will join us frequently to do an economic breakdown of our homesteading endeavors, and see if our efforts get a “Thumbs Up” or not. We also have weekly guests stop by to chat about different homesteading topics.

Join us for each episode live, ask questions during our weekly Q and A session, and add your ideas to the chat for others to enjoy.

Archived shows:
For more detailed show description and the player to listen or download click on links below!

6/6/17 Earthworks on the Farm

5/30/17 Raising a Dog for Hunting and Farm life

5/24/17 Tales from the Turkey Woods

5/2/17 Spring on the Homestead – A Busy Time Of Year!

4/25/17 How to start foraging … Without killing Your family!

4/18/17 Why You Should Plant Fruit This Year

4/4/17 How to catch fish…

3/28/17 We are talking pigs.

3/21/17 Preparing for the Disaster that will happen to you…

3/14/2017 Is a Family Cow “Worth It”?

3/7/2017 Raising Meat Chickens