Using Your Preps to Make your Holiday Bountiful in Times of Need!

Using Your Preps to Make your Holiday Bountiful in Times of Need!

December 13, 2012 Budget Family Food Homesteading Pantry Saving Money storing The Homestead Honey Hour 1

Every year we rush out and select our turkey, make sure our cabinets are full with all the ingredients we need to bake our family’s favorites. We Gift Shop, buy wrapping paper and tape and bows…But…what if the year was not so great? What if Turkeys were just too expensive for our budget? What if buying gifts was not an option? Should we worry? Not if we are prepared we shouldn’t! I bet most of us have everything we need right in our pantries to make the holiday happy and bountiful! The “Homestead Honey Hour” is going to share some ideas on how to do Christmas from the average homesteader’s pantry! Be ready to call in with some Ideas of your own!

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