Gain your independence from grocery store dairy!

Gain your independence from grocery store dairy!

July 18, 2013 Animals Food Goats Homesteading The Homestead Honey Hour 0

The Homestead Dairy Goat: on The Homestead Honey Hour

DSCF8443So you’ve got the garden, the laying hens, a small orchard planted, a breeding trio of meat rabbits, and maybe even a hive or two of bees. You are well on your way to growing and raising much of your own food! Great job. But let’s take it a step further: Imagine having your own supply of creamy, fresh, raw (or home-pasteurized) milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, and even ice-cream.

“No, no – I don’t have room for a cow and I don’t want to deal with large livestock”, you say.

No problem. Welcome to the world of dairy goats! Even if you are on a small acreage, chances are you CAN keep a couple of dairy goats. There are even miniature dairy goat breeds which are perfect for older couples or smaller families. Goats are far easier to take care of than cows not only in their size, but in waste management, feed, and housing requirements as well.

“But I heard goat milk tastes bad,” you argue.

milking paraphenaliaYou have been misinformed. Goat’s milk – if handled correctly – is absolutely delicious! It is naturally homogenized too, so those who can’t digest cow’s milk well can often drink goat’s milk and the products made from it just fine.

“Well, I wouldn’t know where to start in keeping a goat.”

You’re in luck! Tune in this Thursday evening, July 18, 2013, for the Homestead Honey Hour where the topic will be how to get started with dairy goats. Your host, Renée, also known as Michigansnowpony on youtube has had Alpine Dairy goats for over 15 years and she is anxious to share with you what she has learned along the way. Tune in to learn how to select your future milk-makers, how to care for them, how to handle the milk, and everything else you need to know to make your foray into home-dairying successful.
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