Built to Last “My Homestead” where I am!

Built to Last “My Homestead” where I am!

September 1, 2013 Family Homesteading Mind Set Prepper Mentality The Other Side...A Preppers Path 0

Backwoods Home150x100The elderberries are ripe and the first signs of changing seasons are appearing, soon fall will be on the wind. Join Lynna on The Other Side… A Preppers Path as she brings in the first day of September with a smile and a look at Built to Last My Homestead. Often when thinking of a homestead we envision a country mural with a quaint farmhouse, smoke curling out of the chimney, a wood stack nearby, chickens roaming a green expanse with a barn and other critters milling about. A perfect picture of a sustainable self-reliant home but in reality that is just one take on a homestead.

Homestead6-8Are you yearning for that picture of a homestead, wishing away your days and nights, take heart and come realize your homestead right where you are TODAY. They say the home is where the heart is, where you are is your stead, turn your stead into your homestead today, whether you are in the rural wilds, a sprawling downtown urban apartment, a tucked away subdivision, a boat, or any other place you call home. Homesteading is about living life in a self- sufficient, reliable and sustainable method, we think it has to be out in the country somewhere and frankly that is the pinnacle of homesteading but today you can take steps to realize the homesteader in you.

The phone lines will be open and we’ll cover mind set, re-purposing, flexibility and more. Make a date for tonight 8pm central for a good ole discussion on living the prepared way on The Other Side of a Preppers Path.
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You can follow and contact Lynna  at: prepperspath@hotmail.com;
Twitter @othersideprep


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