5 Acres and A Dream!

5 Acres and A Dream!

May 22, 2014 Books Homesteading Mind Set The Homestead Honey Hour 2

5 Acres and A Dream
Host: Renee “Homestead Honey Hour

5-12 5 Acres and A DreamModern day homesteaders seek out an agrarian lifestyle for a laundry list of reasons and come from a multitude of backgrounds. Within this growing segment of the population going “back to the land” are more than a few baby-boomers.

Beginning to homestead as a middle-aged person has its unique set of challenges, and joys. No one knows this better than Leigh Tate, who along with her husband Daniel, decided to begin homesteading as empty-nesters. At the age when most couples are looking to down-size and move into a low-maintenance condo allowing for more leisure activities, the Tates were looking for land, livestock, and a life that would require more of them physically, mentally, and at times, emotionally.

Pictures from digital camera 698After much research and planning, Leigh and her husband were able to acquire property and set up their homestead. Five years later, they’ve come a long way and haven’t looked back. She writes a popular blog which chronicles their journey towards self-reliance entitled “5 Acres and A Dream“. (Encouraged by her readers, Leigh also recently wrote a delightful book by the same name.) In both mediums, Leigh details how she gardens, raises her chickens, turkeys, and goats, cooks on a wood stove, experiments with growing her own livestock feed, manages on a single income, preserves what they produce, and shares their plans to improve upon their homestead.

I am so excited and happy to have Leigh joining me as my guest to talk about her experiences, advise those in the same situation (or looking to be) and share with us what she’s learned along the way. If you desire to move beyond the sidewalks — no matter what stage of life you are in — this is a show you don’t want to miss!
Check out Leigh’s website HERE!
Get the book HERE!
Michigansnowpony YouTube channel:   https://www.youtube.com/user/Michigansnowpony

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