Galt Strike!

Saturdays: Galt Strike  9:00pm/Et   6:00pm/Pt
Galt StrikeGalt Strike!

Your Host: Tom

Listen & Chat Here Saturdays 9:00pm/Et 6:00pm/Pt

Archived shows for “Galt Strike”  at bottom of this page!

Up-Coming on Galt Strike 10/1/2016

Hurricane Matthew!

10-1-16-hurricane-factsOn Tonight’s radio show, Bob Hawkins will be introducing himself and briefly touching on his practical approach toward Prepping. But most importantly he’ll be discussing Hurricane Matthew, the major hurricane which is currently threatening the entire US east coast. By this time next week, some part of the Eastern US from Florida to Maine may be experiencing storm conditions of Hurricane 5 intensity. Join us as if your life depended on it.

The second half of the show will be open lines. Feel free to call in and talk about whatever you want; the hurricane, prepping, politics, violence, the protests, or whatever is on your mind.

Saturday 9pm/Est.  6pm/Pt.  for LIVE Broadcast

 About: Galt Strike!

Galtstrike is a “Freedom First” libertarian organization dedicated to finding viable solutions to real world problems in an effort to halt the spread of socialism throughout the world. We support laissez faire economics, self-reliance, individual liberties, and free market principals. Our concept of “Galtstrike” means that we refuse to willingly be a part of any socialist system while finding alternative moral and applicable solutions to achieve our economic goals.

We plan to achieve our objectives through a grass roots effort to replace big government statist politicians at the local level with small government pro-liberty candidates. We will do this by utilizing the power of social media, online radio, meetup groups, blogs and political activism. We believe that by “Teaching a man to fish” that we can win the hearts and minds of disenfranchised voters who no longer wish to support the big government parties. We will teach the poor and middle classes how to pull themselves out of poverty, how to get jobs, start businesses and eliminate debt.

Go to Listen and Chat This Saturday 9pm/Est.  6pm/Pt.  for LIVE Broadcast

Tom’s Websites and social media!

Galt Strike HERE!

American Preppers Network HERE!

American Preppers Forum HERE!

Twitter HERE!

Facebook HERE!

Archived shows:

9/10/16 The BIG FIX?

9/3/16 HAM Radio expert Robert Hawkins!

8/27/16 Living on a few bucks a day!

8/20/16 Marjory Wildcraft on Success in Sustainable Living

8/13/16 Open lines: Finance, Elections, Jobs, and more

8/6/16 How minorities can share in the American Dream

7/30/16 Success with good work ethic, frugality, budgeting, and running a business

7/24/16 Success and Survival Medicine!

7/16/16 Black Lives Matter, the Police, and the violence!

7/9/16 Success stories,  self made publishers & authors

7/2/16 Elected officials, leaders or representatives?

6/25/16 From rags to riches!

6/16/2016 Galt Strike

6/11/2016 Uniting the patriot movement through meetup groups!

6/4/2016 How individualism can solve problems and ensure survival through personal autonomy!

5/28/2016 How to make more than minimum wage, even in tough times.

5/21/2016 Ethically eliminating debt, Democratic Socialism and teaching millennials