” What Is in our food?” MSG? Meat Glue? Sodium Nitrates? Propyl Gallate?

” What Is in our food?” MSG? Meat Glue? Sodium Nitrates? Propyl Gallate?

May 17, 2012 Food The Homestead Honey Hour 2

Should we be eating it? What does G.R.A.S REALLY mean? I am no professional folks..but if you can’t pronounce it..or don’t know what it is…should we be eating it? For a conversation opener…please GOOGLE,  ”The rise and fall of CRISCO” See where a LOT of the precedents were set, for the rules governing our food! And what can we do about it? That is the topic of the Homestead Honey Hour on this episode. MrsVolfie is at the helm with some FOOD? for thought? Listen to this episode of “The Homestead Honey Hour” in player below.

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