Storing food for sustainability when times get hard!

Storing food for sustainability when times get hard!

August 17, 2013 Food storage storing The Prepared Canadian 0

Food StorageEvery prepper should be raising at least some of their own food.  Be it for stockpiling now, or as a primary food source when at all goes down, the practice of feeding yourself just makes sense.  But it isn’t as simple as stocking up on seeds and dropping them in the ground.  Believe it or not, growing your own food takes a lot of thought and planning.
On this week’s episode of The Prepared Canadian I’ll discuss some of the things you should be considering for your home food production needs such as what characteristics to look for, sustainability of your product, and of course, making your food production storable.
I’ll have some tips for replacing hard to produce foods such as dairy, offer alternatives to some hard to come by items like citrus, and a two layered source of protein.
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