Root Cellars! Knowing you can feed your family!

Root Cellars! Knowing you can feed your family!

November 29, 2013 Food Preserving storage storing The Prepared Canadian 0

Root cellars! Knowing you can feed your family!
Host: Denob “The Prepared Canadian

Root Cellars

As preppers, we spend a great amount of time learning how to store food. Each method has it’s pitfalls though; canning requires a lot of time over the stove and dehydrating can be a long process that requires a good deal of electricity. Solar dehydrating is barely an option for us in Canada as humidity levels are high and temperatures are low in the fall when the most produce is ready. Sure, there’s always the freeze dried option, but that can get expensive.

Root CellarsThere are other ways to preserve food such as salting, fermenting, smoking and more, but each one of these requires a substantial amount of input of either time, energy, or both. Wouldn’t it be great if we could find a way to set something up once, and spend a minimal amount of time getting it ready for use each year? Well, there is, and it’s been all but forgotten by a great many of us…the root cellar.

Root cellars can be built indoors or out, and once the conditions are set, it pretty much runs itself. The advantages are low to no energy to run it, produce is not processed, rather it is stored raw and maintains the vast majority of its nutrients and flavor.

There are surprisingly few considerations to keep in mind when setting up a root cellar and this week, we will take a look at what those considerations are, as well as compare root cellaring to other methods of food storage. Also, I have a few tidbits about how and when to get your produce in.
Before we go into all this though, I will take just a few minutes to discuss the possible demise of comet ISON, and the implications that may arise from the doomers both if it did die and if it didn’t.
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