Preserve your medicinal herbs the right way!

Preserve your medicinal herbs the right way!

August 15, 2016 Herbal Prepper Herbs Medicine Preserving storing 0

Preserve your medicinal herbs the right way!
Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live

Preserve your medicinal herbs the right wayLearn how to properly preserve your medicinal herbs on this week’s episode of Herbal Prepper Live. Just like food storage, your herbs can be preserved and stored for later use. But, if you don’t choose the right preservation method for the right herb and store it the right way, they will lose potency. Or worse, just like food storage, you might lose your herbs to mold, bacteria, or pests if you don’t preserve your herbs properly.

10-14-16 Chopping HerbsHave you ever had the awful experience of opening a bottle of herbal oil to find it has gone rancid? Or have your “dried” herbs unexpectedly turned moldy? A storage snafu will teach you in an instant that preservation methods vital skills. And, they are just as important for your herbal harvest as they are for your fruits, veggies, and meats.

10-14-16 cannisterIf your herb garden is also your SHTF “pharmacy”, then you have to be extra careful when it comes to  storing your herbs. If you don’t prepare and store your medicinal herbs properly, it’s not like loosing a flavoring. You could lose a year’s worth of remedies.

While times are good, you can usually order your bulk herbs online whenever you need them. A cyber attack, trucker’s strike, or even something as common as being laid off from work could change that in an instant.

10-14-16 Drying HerbsThis episode will cover drying, infusing, tincturing, freezer storage, shelf life, and proper storage practices for herbs. I will also cover carrier oils and proper storage of fats, waxes, glycerin, and honey. Plus, how to store those precious seeds to plant next year’s “herbal pharmacy”, garden expansion, for barter, or to make remedies later on.

This, plus updates on the online herbal certification course, and my latest, free tutorial videos, on this episode of Herbal Prepper Live.
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