PANTRY: Long Term Food Storage

PANTRY: Long Term Food Storage

October 14, 2016 Canning Pantry Prepping for Tomorrow Preserving storage 0

PANTRY: Long Term Food Storage
Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow” Audio in player below!

PANTRY: Long Term Food StorageOn this week’s episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program, Author Bobby Akart continues his discussion about stocking your Prepper Pantry. Last week, the program focused on growing your own food and heirloom seeds.  This week, we’ll focus on food storage and canning.
Every day, you go about your lives using things we all take for granted. After TEOTWAWKI, you’ll come to appreciate toothpaste, a cup of coffee with sugar, or a candy bar. You’ll learn how to cook over an open fire… provided you have cast iron cookware. You will wish that you had the ability to catch a fish and the knowledge of how to clean it. These are all topics which will be discussed in the player below. We believe, with a well-stocked Prepper Pantry, you can survive without giving up all of the comfort foods.

On this show, we focus on our two most recommended means of food storage—canning and the use of Mylar Bags.

10-13-16-canning-supplies-for-preppersCanning is the most popular of the methods of preserving foods for Preppers. Homesteaders have a leg up on Preppers as canning has been a staple of their food storage for generations. Canning is an essential skill to be learned in order to preserve the bountiful harvest from your survival garden for year round consumption. Canning for Preppers does not have to be like Canning for Dummies. I consider myself part of the latter category. But once mastered, it will be an invaluable method to boost your food stores in your Prepper Pantry.

We believe that the single best, most cost effective method of storing food for long term survival is sealing it in mylar bags. Food storage in mylar bags is inexpensive and the method to seal the food is simple.

10-13-16-food-storage-mylar-bagsMylar bags are an integral component of any good food storage systems and have been used for many years. Food grade aluminized mylar bags are used by filling them with dry goods such as beans, pasta, rice and oats. Mylar bags create an oxygen barrier to protect food during extended long-term food storage because the oxygen is removed using food safe oxygen absorbers. Mylar bags for food storage can be sealed with a standard heat sealing unit or with an ordinary clothes iron.

We’ll discuss the details of this simple method of adding food to your Prepper Pantry during the show. Let me remind everyone to commit the Prepper Rule of Redundancy to Memory:

Three is two, Two is one, One is none.

Once your Prepper Supplies run out, you can’t drive down to Wally World and restock. Building your Prepper Pantry to a level allowing for long term survival requires baby steps. Make a good Prepper Checklist and obtain one of everything. Then repeat until you can sustain yourselves for years to come.

I’m often asked—how much food should I store?

My answer is simple—how long would you like to live?
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