Methods for Preserving Food

Methods for Preserving Food

September 18, 2015 Books Food I Am Liberty Preserving 0

Methods for Preserving Food
James Walton “I Am Liberty

Methods for Preserving FoodWe had a cold snap here in VA and that always brings to mind the need for food preservation skills. My history as a chef has taught me a lot about Preserving Food not from a survival stand point but from a swanky food trend stand point. Fortunately it translates. We are going to talk about several different methods for Preserving Food and I want you to start a project now that you can slice into come spring time.

We are also going to look into food history and some interesting customs and traditions of the past. Storing and preservations methods as well. I have a great book that I have never unleashed on you guys. Its sitting in my library and I think the right night to bring it out is coming.

Methods for Preserving FoodIts also a very big night in the I AM Liberty world because Seasons in the Valley will be available to purchase. This is my own cookbook that is based on seasonality and local food. Its really one of my favorite creations to date. If you are looking to incorporate something special into your holiday season you will find it within these 112 pages of great recipes and incredible staples like pizza dough from scratch and an easy method for curing your own bacon.

Preservation and celebration tonight on I AM Liberty. Dont miss this great show as we prepare for winter to come and plan to enjoy the holidays therein.
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