Land Stewardship!

Land Stewardship!

July 28, 2014 Animals Cattle Food We Grow Ours 0

Real land stewardship with Will Harris.
Host: Nich & Don “We Grow Ours

land will_bioThis week on the We Grow Ours show, Nick and Don have a special guest on the show. Will Harris of White Oak Patures. Will Harris is a true steward of the land and has a farm that has come full circle in the 150 years that they have been farming. Will has taken the farm back to its roots and is 100% organic! Check out White Oaks story Here!

land“The transition started in 1995 when Will Harris III made the conscious decision to return to a production system on his land that is better for the environment, for our animals, and for the people who eat these meats. He reinstituted the multi-species rotational grazing practices of his forefathers, and he built abattoirs on the farm to slaughter our animals. 

land beef_grill-filler_nIn 2010, the family tradition deepened as Will’s daughter, Jenni Harris, joined the White Oak Pastures team full time. In 2014, another of Will’s daughters joined the team, Jodi Harris Benoit. Jenni and Jodi mark the fifth generation of Harrises to raise livestock in on this farm. Today, White Oak Pastures employs over 100 people and produces grassfed beef and lamb, pastured poultry, pastured eggs and Certified Organic vegetables.”

We Grow Ours 150x150We also want to remind everyone about the upcoming fund raiser… the “Gompers Garden” fund raiser with the “Food Patriots” movie screening. Please get your FREE tickets. We hope to see every listener in the Phoenix area come to this great event. Donations will be accepted at the door and we are working on some fun stuff to go with the screening as well! Get your tickets here!

Also, don’t forget that Nick and maybe Don will be on Doomsday preppers on July 31st!. This will be interesting! Be sure to watch for the “Doomsday reality TV” episode on August 4th with all sorts of stories from us about filming, and the reactions to the show. Nick expects some hate mail as well, and maybe we will get to read some!
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