GMO! Gluten! Organic!

GMO! Gluten! Organic!

January 24, 2018 Food GMO 0

GMO! Gluten! Organic!
Lynna… “A Preppers Path” Audio player provided!

GMO! Gluten! OrganicGMO! Gluten! Organic! Free range and Grass fed! What are they? Why are they? Is it important? Some of the real questions we should be asking ourselves long before a trip to the grocery store. When I was a youngster non of these words were used. Not in mainstream conversation let alone as advertising buzz words. Today we are inundated with these words and catch phrases daily.

Listen to this broadcast or download “GMO! Gluten! Organic” in this player!

Whole movements are dedicated to and surrounding the pluses or minuses of each. Take the term GMO, ask the average Joe on the street about GMO and what it means, chances are most wont know. What it means is genetically modified organisms. Does GMO really mean anything to our health or safety? What things are GMO? What about gluten free, again what is gluten is there any real threat? How about organic?

It has been a huge buzz word for over a decade. In previous times when and if someone used the word they were perhaps talking about decay. Again what, why and is there a threat? And finally what role do these and other terms like grass fed , free range and more play when it comes to truth in advertising? Join us and listen in for Q&A’s about our food supply!

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