The Frying Pan!

The Frying Pan!

June 18, 2016 cooking Food I Am Liberty 0

The Frying Pan!
James Walton “I Am Liberty

The Frying Pan!

After all of the horror this week I need a break. I want to head back into the world of cooking methods. We have had some fun in the past with our cooking method shows. There are still many more methods to talk about. I feel like we should focus our powers on the frying pan this week. We will break down the difference between Saute and Pan Fry. These are two very powerful cooking methods that just require a flame underneath the vessel. We will discuss how to best use them and what types of foods we use these cooking methods on. Its summer and a great time for a quick Saute to keep the oven off and prepare all of these delicious vegetables that are ripening.

It’s a firm belief of mine that cooking and learning to cook for yourself should be as important as learning to read or add. It’s insane that we leave high school with AP courses under our belts but still look to others to prepare our food. Nutrition an cooking should not be an elective. The direct correlation between what we eat and our health is scientifically undeniable. That said it only makes sense that in a house of learning this gets conveyed. Instead we have mandatory classes like ‘how to hit a ball with a stick.’

Frying PanThis series will be geared towards how and when to utilize each cooking method. It will arm you with a new set of tools when it comes to food preparation. The ability to transform raw ingredients from your pantry or the wild into food is an indispensable survival skill. The most important thing to understand is that you can become an expert at all of these cooking methods. I hope you look at food through a different lens following this series of shows. So tell your friends and family the crazy host of I AM Liberty is going off the deep end on cooking and you won’t want to miss it.
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