Tasty dishes from foraged edibles.

Tasty dishes from foraged edibles.

February 8, 2013 Canning cooking Food Foraging Foraging For Life Preserving 0

Lobster MushroomHuckleberrys125This Friday evening on “Foraging For Life” we are going to go over some of the very tasty dishes you can make with your foraged edibles. I will go through what I did to process those items and then a step by step with recipes on different dishes you can make with them as well as how to turn them into seasonings. A few of the ingredients we’ll be using include venison, lobster mushrooms, huckleberries and morels. I’d love to hear from you as to what you; the listener, would like to have featured in future shows as well.  I’m hoping to put some videos together for this, so cross your fingers and wish me luck.

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