Smarter Storage for preppers!

Smarter Storage for preppers!

June 6, 2012 Canning cooking Food Preserving storing 1

One of Katzcradul’s subscribers wrote this week to say, that learning that she could make brown sugar by combining regular granulated sugar with a bit of molasses,  completely changed the way she thought about food storage.  She commented that she now understands that if she thinks smarter, she doesn’t have to store as many different food items.  She suggested the Honeys have a show entitled “Smarter Storage”.  Since The Honeys believe it’s important to formulate shows based on what our subscribers and listeners want, Katzcradul  is devoting the upcoming show to the discussion of  “Smarter Storage”, how to get the most: for your food storage dollar, from the places where you store your food, and from your time, efforts, and abilities. Join us as we learn from each other, sharing our best ideas for managing our food storage. Listen to this wonderful show in player below

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