Now that I have all this food storage, what do I do with it?

Now that I have all this food storage, what do I do with it?

July 26, 2012 Canning Food Preserving storing The Homestead Honey Hour 0
This week on The Homestead Honey Hour, Noreen (Atticus9799 on YouTube) was your Honey Hostess!  The topic of the evening was, “Now that I have all this food storage, what do I do with it?”
We may all agree that having a food storage is an important step in our security and feeding our family in the event of an emergency as well as a hedge against inflation, however, some people take the time to store food, but never rotate it, use it or learn to use the long term items that they have squirreled away for a rainy day.
Let’s all explore how we can use our food storage, reap the benefits of all our hard work, nourish ourselves with our garden harvests, and learn that long term food storage items such as dehydrated or freeze dried vegetables and meats are more than just nice shelf decorations!  We need to use them in our every day meal plans and learn what we enjoy, what we don’t and how we can use them to the best of our ability in the event we really need them, because the time to learn how to use what we have stored in before we really need it!
Listen to this show in player below from Thursday evening, July 26th for what was a fun filled hour of learning and sharing.

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