BexarPrepper and MistyShooter223 another Homestead Honey home run!

BexarPrepper and MistyShooter223 another Homestead Honey home run!

May 10, 2012 Canning Preserving storing The Homestead Honey Hour 0

BexarPrepper hosted The Homestead Honey Hour with her guest MistyShooter223. MistyShooter shared what she has learned living the homesteading life, that most of us are trying to achieve. She’s a wife of 16 years, mother of four and a heck of a person. Her personal philosophy is that she has never met a person who wasn’t this or that and looks for the best in everyone she meets. BexarPrepper say’s “she’s my favorite Homesteader/Prepper and the knowledge she shares with the community has made a difference in many people lives”. A great show with some good prepping ideas and great questions answered from callers as well as those in the chat room. Listen to this episode in player below.

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