“Shield” yourself from the I.R.S.

“Shield” yourself from the I.R.S.

June 2, 2014 Finance We Grow Ours 0

“Shield” yourself from the I.R.S.
Hosts: Nick & Don “We Grow Ours”

“Shield”This week on the We Grow Ours Show, Nick and Don continue sharing the tools of sustainability and empowerment of independence with a VERY special guest. She’s a “goddess” in her field and an author with the know-how. She has watched the business scene and developed a talent for learning from the success and failures of others. We all want to be more independent and self-sufficient, but how do you do that while depending on your 9-5 day job? A job where you trade the nonrenewable resource time for the ever fleeting, never sustaining dollar! Sustainability and independence are not limited to your food and fuel supply, but your daily earnings too. Shauna will give us advice on starting a new company, give us a glimpse into the world of taxes and business and tell us how to “shield” ourselves from the demonic lords known as the I.R.S….

The old paradigm of the “corporate ladder” and the proverbial “climb to the top” has been the routine for most of the industrial age and is still present today. Whether the employer promotes a synergistic work place with team building or allows the hardcore cutthroat mentality, their employees are in constant competition for advancement. Sometimes I feel that the reason the game “musical chairs” was created was to drive home the fact that only the ambitious and lucky would make it big. But the paradigm is shifting; the climb to the top has been trumped by this emerging generation of business men and women. This is the era of the entrepreneur. The entrepreneur is tired of trading their time for money and having it deemed “income”. The entrepreneur sees time sold as time lost. So the entrepreneur INVESTS their time toiling away at achieving their goals and reaching their dreams. So how does one start their journey to becoming an entrepreneur? Tune in this week and find out!!! Avoid the pit falls and get a jump start from studying the successful!!!

We will also be talking a bit about our efforts in the March Against Monsanto held on May 24th and the plug of the week!!!
Check out Shauna, the Tax Goddess here: www.taxgoddess.com and grab her book here: http://taxgoddesspublishing.com/
Our “Plug of the week”: http://buttoutecigs.com/ – If you are looking to stop smoking, do your research
and check these guys out. There are tons of good stores around, Matt is the owner and does a great job.
Visit We Grow Ours website HERE!

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