Prepping on the Cheap Part One: Bugging In

Prepping on the Cheap Part One: Bugging In

July 24, 2017 Budget Finance Herbal Prepper Purchasing Saving Money 0

Prepping on the Cheap Part One: Bugging In

Prepping on the Cheap Part One: Bugging InOn this episode, we are talking about prepping on the cheap. This episode is all about how to get the most value and the most quality preps with the least output of cash.

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This is the first of a two-part series. This week’s episode is focused on preps for bugging in. Next week, the focus will shift to preps for bugging out.

If you are new to prepping, the cost to “get prepped” can feel overwhelming at first. What if you are living paycheck to paycheck? How to you get prepared for emergencies- store food, water, ammo, medical supplies, and so on, when you have $15 left each week after paying bills?

Prepping is not a “one size fits all” deal. Depending on your individual circumstances, your preps may look very different than mine or your neighbor’s (assuming you have cool neighbors who prep). So, to even begin to start covering this topic, I have to give myself some parameters. Those are:

  • Scenario: bugging in for one month
  • No known imminent threat (just planning for the future)
  • $60/month prepping budget
  • No special dietary requirements or food allergies
  • Some, even if very limited or indoor, space to grow some food
  • Some, even if very limited, storage space
  • No major medical issues

From here, you can then adjust your individual plan to meet your needs. I also strongly encourage you to prep with a friend or two. Adding your two prepping budgets and prepping interests together can get you all much further than you could have by yourself.

While there isn’t a single solution that will work for every person and every situation, there are many solutions that can be adapted to your own situation. The only thing that is guaranteed to lead you to failure, however, are excuses. This episode will help you ditch those excuses, and start thinking outside the box for solutions.
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