What About your Post Apocalyptic Career?

What About your Post Apocalyptic Career?

October 19, 2017 Apocolypse Finance I Am Liberty Planning 0

What About your Post Apocalyptic Career?
James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below!

What About your Post Apocalyptic Career?In all actuality a crushing economic downturn or even serious nuclear disaster will not mean the end of commerce. It may not look like it used to but you are still going to want to have value in the world. You will still be consuming goods and you will need more of these resources.

Listen to this broadcast or download “What About your Post Apocalyptic Career?” in this player!

The reason I bring this up is because many of us are tethered to an internet connection, phone line or some sort of web of communication for making a living. We are preppers and we do our best to cover the bases when it comes to things like food, water, medicine, safety, security and a number of other categories. What I have been thinking about lately is:

How would a chef turned safety manager turned freelance writer make a living after TEOTWAWKI?

As preppers and survivalists we are uniquely prepared for this career change. Whether its the ability to identify wild foods or the ability to plan and pack for a bugout situation, we have the knowledge that others want. The problem is we rarely have the time to sit down and think about our career post SHTF.

For me the money would stop coming in almost instantly. I podcast, write and make money from other modes of monitization. Not too mention what money was still coming in would probably be impossible for me to get my hands on because of limited access to bank funds.

Grow Food
Raise Chickens for meat and eggs
Raise Rabbits
Process Wood
Medicinal Herbalist
Selling Goods
Refurbishing Damaged or Abandoned homes, tools, items

There are many other ideas that can make you money. Check out this article from off the grid news for a few more ideas. I think the most important part of this process of considering your post collapse career is deciding

A. What tools will you need to do the job and will they be accessible?

B. What are your strengths and what could you do better than anyone else?

In other words, if you have one old axe it may not be the best idea to cut wood for a living. Once that axe breaks you will be out of another job. In the post collapse word people will be less inclined to deal with things like excuses. When they need something there will be very little room for error or delay.

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