Cryptocurrencies, Collapse and Faith

Cryptocurrencies, Collapse and Faith

March 15, 2018 Finance Preparedness 0

Cryptocurrencies, Collapse and Faith
James Walton “I Am Liberty” Audio player below!

Cryptocurrencies, Collapse and FaithWe have a powerhouse show this week. Cryptocurrencies, yep, we are going to talk about cryptocurrencies and the hypotheticals of how they could react during a collapse. We are also going to discuss faith in the world today and how the lack of faith is affecting our society.

As a writer I read and create a lot of headlines. Its not always an uplifting experience. When you read about the killings, rape and abuse its hard not to wonder what our world would look like if the narrative was not to push God to extinction. Now, I have no problem questioning faith and the bible, in fact, I think a man who questions his faith fortifies it. There is a significant difference between that and creating a narrative that is designed to push God away from the youth and those who may need him most.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Cryptocurrencies, Collapse and Faith” in this player!

There is only one man who can carry us through a podcast like this. I am not sure we could find someone who could weave us through these topics and tie them all into one another. Luckily, we have the host of on the objective ( Steven Menking.

In 2014 Steven founded The Amateur Society, a discussion group that focuses on questions of philosophy, worldview, economics, geopolitics, science, current events, and any other topics participants bring to the table. The goal of The Amateur Society is to create an open environment where everyone can sharpen their cognitive tools in order to conduct truth-directed inquiry. The group meets weekly on Mondays at 8:00pm Eastern via Skype. Search for the Skype username amateursociety and send a contact request to join in!

Open yourself up wide for this week’s episode of the I AM Liberty Show. We are going to dig deep, and you might see some things in yourself that you don’t recognize.

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