Prepper Related You-Tubers We Support!
Featured This Week…
Full Spectrum Survival
Bushcraft, Camping, Primitive and Leave No Trace
Below, a list of some of the best Prepper related You-Tubers on the web. If we don’t have you listed let us know!
Primitive Technology
Making primitive huts and tools from scratch using only natural materials in the wild.
Jalapeño Gal
I am Jalapeno Gal and I am venturing into the world of creating videos for you to enjoy. I have my own website at and I also Edit and write articles for American Preppers Network. My videos will be on a variety of things from cooking with me to review videos on prepping and survival products.
J&J Acres
A Big Family on a Small Farm. We focus on self sufficiency and preparedness.
L2Survive with Thatnub
When people find out I am a prepper they always ask me the same question. What are you prepping for? I tell them that “I am prepping for life without service”.
Misty Prepper
Green House, Shooting, Prepping, Canning, Gardening, Butchering, Knives, Alterniative Energy, Family.
Doing my part to help others prepare for what surely lies ahead.
Dedicated to (How to) videos for preparing for the hard economic times to come.
Primitive Living Skills
Working with your hands and what nature gives you to survive!
Videos about various homesteading or hobby farming topics, simple living, gardening, ponies, and the occasional opinion or discussion video.
If U Prepare U Will Not Fear
Noreen’s Kitchen
Cooking, canning, gardening, prepping, a little crafting, home keeping and opinion thrown in for good measure!
Back to basics lifestyle without all the clap trap.
Just a simple homesteader sharing what others have taught me over the last 30+ years. Blessings!
Prior Proper Planning Prevents Poor preformance.
Prepare to Provide aka “MHPgardener”
Sharing God’s Blessings
Prepper Project
The Prepper Project brings how to prepping videos along with gear reviews. Subscribe to our channel for great prepper information.
The Human Path
Sam Coffman is a former Green Beret medic, survival school instructor (The Human Path) (Visit Show Page) with over 20 years’ experience teaching survival, plant medicine and self-defense. He also has over 10 years’ experience as a clinical herbalist working with plant medicine in field and remote environments.