Creating an Emergency Plan

Creating an Emergency Plan

April 1, 2018 Emergency Planning 1

Creating an Emergency Plan
David Jones “Prepping Up with the Jones “Audio player provided!

Creating an Emergency PlanDave comes back from his traveling shows to have a very special guest Guy Snodgrass on this show. Guy is an author, a publisher and a retired US Army Warrant Office with plenty of time in combat zones and Special Forces. One of Guy’s Prepper endeavors is help people with their emergency plans and evaluating what they have in place. Guy brings a fresh look at Prepping and boils it all down to the very basics everyone needs to know before they start. Guys says that, “a plan is not a plan if it is in your head, it is an idea. A plan needs to be on paper for everyone to read and understand.”

Listen to this broadcast or download “This Show” in player below!

Dave will ask him how everyone can go about establishing a plan, what makes a good plan and how they can evaluate this plan once it is written. Guy will also talk about what makes a good bugout location and how to select possible sites for a bugout after a major collapse. They will talk about what they see as possible sociality ending events and the triggers that would cause you to take notice to the events. Guy’s military experience has trained him to look for the small things that mean so much and he will tell you what to look for so you are not caught flatfooted.

If you liked Dave’s traveling shows he will continue these in May at Prepper Con in Salt Lake City and in June to the Ohio Prepper Show in Bowling Green. Dave will broadcast live from both shows and bring you the most unique and useful Prepper items he can find. Tune in each week for great deals, the latest news and everything Prepper. Don’t forget to log into the chat room, you may even win a prize!

Join us for “Prepping Up with the Jones” “LIVE” every Saturday 8:00/Et 7:00Ct 5:00/Pt Go To Listen and Chat
Visit Daves website WMD Protection HERE
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Prepping Up with the Jones archives, coming shows & HERE!


One Response

  1. Tom says:

    In this podcast you and your guest talked about an “allens kit” rechargeable battery at 23 minutes into the recording. Where can I find such a thing?

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