Disclaimer, Trademarks, Policy & Copyright

The Prepper Broadcasting Network
Terms of Use, Intellectual Property & Disclaimer

The content of the Prepper Broadcasting Network –  is intended for general information purposes only. It is not designed to provide listeners with specific and personal, medical, financial, legal, counseling, professional service or any advice.  Prepper Broadcasting Network does not promote anyone’s individual practice, programs, agendas, particular treatments, or beliefs.

The views expressed by show hosts or their guests are their own and shall not be construed in any way as advice from Prepper Broadcasting Network. We make no recommendations or endorsements for radio show programs, services, or products mentioned on-air or on our web. Personal prospectives expressed by the producers, writers or editors will always be presented as such. We encourage you to seek professional advice  for any problem, questions which you may have.

No liability, explicit or implied, shall be extended to Prepper Broadcasting Network or the show hosts whose words and/or opinions appear from or on this Web site.

Acceptance of Terms

Please read these terms carefully and if you do not accept the Terms of this Use Agreement please do not use this website. By using this site you understand, acknowledge and agree to abide by the terms of this Agreement which will remain in full force as long as you are a user of this site. The Eligibility Agreement for activities and services including contests, giveaways, email and other activities are hereby incorporated into this Agreement by reference. This Agreement shall govern in any conflict. Agreement may be revised by posting without notice to you. Please review this page from time to time to review this Agreement for any changes.

You agree and understand that the service Prepper Broadcasting Network providesis “As Is” and that Prepper Broadcasting Network assumes no responsibility for timeliness, deletion, mis-delivery or failure to store any user communicarions, personal settings or downloadable files.

Proprietary Rights, Trademarks & Copyright

All contents on this site including, but not limited to, trademarks, copyrights and trade names are the exclusive property of Prepper Broadcasting Network and/or its operational service providers or Advertisers. All contents are protected without limitation pursuant to United States and foreign copyright and other laws. You agree and understand that the Site grants you limited personal, non-assignable, non-tranferable and non-exclusive rights to view the Site and that you will not broadcast, or publish by hard copy or any electronic means, duplicate, sell, resell or exploit for any commercial purposes at anytime or to any third party material and/or data on this site.

User Conduct, Email, Chat Room, ClubHouse, Podcast Policy

All user content that may be specifically sanctioned by Prepper Broadcasting Network whether publically posted or privately transmitted are the entire responsibility of the person whom posts it. Users may not post any material on this Site (including Chat Room, ClubHouse or Podcasts) that reveals trade secrets; is copywrited material unless you are the copyright holder or intellectual property right infringements or defamatory, indecent, obscene, harrassing, abusive, hateful, negative, a sexually explicit image or statement, advertisements, business solicitations, unlawful, racially or ethnically objectionable.

All emails sent to us should be from an email account registered in that person’s name.

By signing on to the chat room, ClubHouse or Podcasts you agree that we can block access at any time and to abide by the following general rules of conduct listed above. The chat room, ClubHouse or Podcasts should be used for lawful and non-commercial purposes.

Advertising and Links Policy

This site provides content from our Advertisers and you understand and agree that such content is not an endorsement by Prepper Broadcasting Network of the Advertiser’s products or services, business practices, or messages. Any and all communications between the Advertiser and the user are solely between them and in no way or form constitutes a liability or any responsibility, in any way for Prepper Broadcasting Network.

Links provided on Prepper Broadcasting Network are provided as a convenience for the user and you agree that if you use these links you do so at your own risk. You further acknowledge and agree that such links is not an endorsement or representation by Prepper Broadcasting Network of the Advertiser’s products or services, business practices, or messages. Any and all communications between the Advertiser and the user are solely between them and in no way or form, constitutes a liability or any responsibility, in any way, at any time, for Prepper Broadcasting Network.

Indemnification, Limitation of Liability & Disclaimer of Warranties

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In no event will assume or have any responsibility for any or all claims, damages, losses, resulting from the use of this Site whether it is based on contract, warranty or tort.

You understand and agree that any material that Prepper Broadcasting Network makes no warranty that any material and/or data downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of Prepper Broadcasting Network is at your own discretion and risk and that you will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer system or loss of data that reults from any or all downloads of such material or data. Prepper Broadcasting Network makes no warranty regarding any goods or services purchased, obtained or any transactions made or entered into through Prepper Broadcasting Network.

This Site does not warrant that its operation will be error-free or that any or all of its equipment are free of computer viruses. Site use is at your discretion and your own risk. The site and material is provided on a “AS IS” basis. The aggregate liability for Prepper Broadcasting Network from any or all claims arising from use or inability of use of this site is $1.00 USD.

Termination and General Information

This Site at its sole discretion can delete, change or modify any USER postings, block access to this site, without notice or liability from or to the user. This Agreement is governed by the Laws of the State of Idaho. Jurisdiction for any claims shall lie exclusively in Idaho and be done by and under the rules and regulations of the American Arbitration Association, Idaho.

These Terms of Service (and any other additional terms posted on Prepper Broadcasting Network) consitute the entire understanding between the parties and remains enforceable and valid.

6 Responses

  1. […] The Prepper Broadcasting Network Terms of Use, Intellectual Property & Disclaimer READ HERE! […]

  2. […] The Prepper Broadcasting Network Terms of Use, Intellectual Property & Disclaimer READ HERE! […]

  3. […] The Prepper Broadcasting Network Terms of Use, Intellectual Property & Disclaimer READ HERE! […]

  4. […] The Prepper Broadcasting Network Terms of Use, Intellectual Property & Disclaimer READ HERE! […]

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