Winter Survival & Preparedness!

Winter Survival & Preparedness!

January 14, 2017 Preparedness Prepping Academy Survival Survival Tips Winter 0

Winter Survival & Preparedness
Forrest & Kyle “The Prepping Academy” Audio in player below!

Winter Survival & PreparednessOn this episode of The Prepping Academy we cover something essential for this time of year. Winter survival. Every year we hear about American’s going off the roads and getting stranded. Even worse, we hear about people freezing to death in their own homes because of lack of heat. There are also some advantages to the winter weather.

Before that we jump straight in to Kyle’s conspiracy theory of the week. At Forrest request Kyle will be covers something a little more mainstream. Deep under ground military bases or DUMBS. What are they? Do they exist?

The first segment we cover is traveling in snowy or icy conditions. Proper vehicle maintenance definitely comes in to play, but there are also essentials in addition to your get home bag that you should never travel with out. For example, traveling with two bags of kitty litter can save your life. Proper placement can add extra weight to your rear wheels for stabilization. And if you accidentally go off road the kitty litter can provide traction for your wheels to get out of the snow.

The next segment we cover the ever important home preps that you can make. Need extra heat in the house? We discuss how you can use everyday items from your house like terra-cotta planters to heat a room. Did your power go out and you need to keep your food cold? There are also a few important things you should start doing this spring to prepare for next year.

In closing we share some thoughts on what winters mean for a grid down scenario. Winter will separate the preppers from the rest. Government studies conclude that more than 90% of the population will die in a grid down scenario. Don’t be caught off guard.
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