Fire in the Sky Lessons Learned From a Wildfire.

Fire in the Sky Lessons Learned From a Wildfire.

July 2, 2018 Fire Preparedness Wild Fire 2

Fire in the Sky!
Lessons Learned From a Real Life Wildfire Event
Ryan Buford “The Next Generation” Audio player below!

Fire in the Sky! Lessons Learned From a Real Life WildfireWildfire season is fast approaching. Like any small flame, there is a possibility of the uncontrollable force that follows.

Tune into this show as we explore the responsibilities you have as a parent and a prepper to convey the importance of camp fire safety, firework safety, and respect for the natural forests we rely on to bug out, escape, or just get away. There’s not much of a cabin in the woods if the woods are reduced to ash and soot. And food? Good luck bagging that deer, elk, or even a rabbit for that matter.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Fire in the Sky Lessons Learned From a Wildfire” in player below!

Last year, more than 700 MILLION acres of public and private lands were decimated by wildfire. 90 Percent are caused by people. In the west, this is a major concern causing property damage and thrusting many of the unprepared into a SHTF scenario – sometimes overnight.

Join us as we provide basic preparedness awareness tools and preventative measures both through inspiring and educating your little ones, and preparing them for a potential bug-out scenario.

Also, don’t miss out on the pint-sized prepper project of the week where we provide some step-by-step tools for creating your own waterproof matches! This is a great exercise in frugality and engagement that could come in highly useful during those damp hikes, campouts, or winter emergencies.

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2 Responses

  1. Ryan Buford says:

    I woke up to smoke this morning from a series of brush fires nearby…The season is under way. Here’s a link to a great fire mapping site that updates regularly on the status and size of wildfires near you…

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