What is your disaster?

What is your disaster?

September 16, 2015 Disaster Surviving Dystopia 0

What is your disaster?
DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia

disasterWhy do we prep? I know from much reading and research that there are almost as many reasons as there are preppers, just like last week’s discussion of barter lists. The reasoning behind a choice is always a personal one. We each must decide why we choose to prepare.

There are of course the usual suspects in the disaster scenarios. zombies, Nuclear war, Yellowstone, Giant meteors or Aliens, and each of these very profound reasons would carry brutal implications. I’d like to discuss some of the other things people feel they need to prepare for.

disasterWhen I decided what the topic for this week should be, September 11th was fast approaching and I could not help but think of how I felt that day, and the scene that unfolded before my eyes as I sat glued to the television screen. I felt like this week would be a good week to talk about these and other threats to our way of life.

9-16-15 bikeOn my blog and in my book I talk of a few things that seem not only possible, but also quite plausible events. Terrorism and financial collapse are possibly two of the reasons to prep that top my list. But on a smaller scale there are many reasons why I believe being prepared and living a self-sustaining lifestyle are beneficial to all of us.

Just in the most minimal reasoning think on this…a self-sustained lifestyle is healthier without all the chemicals in processed foods and items, it is cheaper without having to pay for goods or services and it is rewarding in knowing you did it yourself.

9-16-15 bf quote

Being prepared for issues that may take you out of your comfort zone is just good practice. There are many things we all do that routinely practice preparedness ways. We save for retirement… that is preparing for old age. We buy insurance… that is being covered in the event of accidents or illness. We even buy our gas for our cars before the gauge reads empty so we don’t have to walk. Being prepared isn’t just for the prepper.
Surviving Dystopia 
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Next week on Surviving Dystopia: Don’t miss guest Ricky Hummer on talking bees!!

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