The Ultimate Survival Kit!

The Ultimate Survival Kit!

March 19, 2016 Articles Disaster Planning supplies Survival Survival Items 0
The Ultimate Survival Kit

The Ultimate Survival Kit prepared-school safety“Be prepared for the worst,” this is what we hear every day but look around- are you really prepared? If tomorrow a disaster strikes or a war breaks out, is your survival plan set? Most of us do not even know where to begin with! Preparing for the worst is very scary. Start with the basics then; make your own survival kit. You never know how seconds can change your life, hence start preparing.

Survival is only possible when you know you can handle yourself in such consequences. When you believe in yourself. This belief comes from the mental and physical preparation. How to mentally prepare yourself, start with the following:

  • To make sure you are capable enough start with some form of physical exercise and build it up to strength training. Jog and run so that your stamina can be built for such instances.
  • Self-defense is very important! Join martial arts classes where you can learn to fight. This will ensure that you can take care of yourself when things go wrong.
  • Moreover, learn to use a weapon. You may have to kill in order to protect yourself, thus master the art of using pocket knives and guns so that you do not feel weak in the moment.
  • Learn basics such as how to light a fire, how to set tents, how to hunt, how to fish, how to swim etc. These basics will give you confidence to survive what is coming forth towards you.
  • ­Survival also requires a calm mind, rationale thinking and quick decision making. Meditation helps a person to stay calm and composed and to think clearly. Try meditating twice or thrice a week so that you can practice the same when things get stressful. ­

While you are preparing yourself, start making a survival kit too! Survival pushes a person out of their comfort zone thus you cannot carry everything you own. Focus on what you need rather than what you want. The basic human needs to survive are food, water, clothing, shelter, weapons and medicine, this is how you will categorize the items that will make it to your survival kit.

Food: Make a food storage where food can be stored. Your survival kit should also have basic food supplies, and seasonings so that you can survive at least two weeks. Make sure that the food being stored has time to expire. Items such as vegetable powders, fruit powders, and dried food are available in the market. These products offer to be essentials during a survival situation. Moreover, carry match sticks to light fire, lighters, fishing rods and knives. You might have to hunt, set traps or learn about gathering, hence your survival kit should include products such as knives, wires, guns, that can help you with these acts.

3-18-16 2Water: Water is the basis of human survival. Human beings cannot survive three days without water. Your survival kit should include empty vessels and bottles that can store water for you. Keep extra water stored in your home fridges that can be picked and tossed in the kit when time comes. Also, keep water purification tablets in your survival kit as they can be helpful when you do not have a source of clean water around you.

Clothing: Having proper clothing on you is very essential. You cannot survive a cold winter night in a basic tee shirt! For your survival kit, your clothing has to be comfortable yet protective. Do not pack everything in your survival kit. Study the general climate of the region you reside in and pack clothes accordingly. For nights, keep some warm clothing because you never know how temperatures can change. Moreover, your shoes are very important! The right shoes can take you towards surviving. Shoes should be easy to walk in, protect you from the rain and sun and survive rough walks, wear and tear and different terrains. A good pair of sneakers and socks can do the trick.

3-4-16 fireShelter: Where would you survive is a question worth pondering over. Planning a shelter is very important. Mark out places where you can head to when things go wrong. If you think your home is your shelter place then you have an advantage- added space for more storage. Assign areas in your neighborhood that can serve as a shelter. However, for survival kit purposes, carry maps, compass, tents and sleeping bags so that you can seek shelter anywhere!

First Aid Kit: A survival kit without a first aid box? That is just incomplete. Make sure your survival gear has a first aid kit that includes your everyday medication, band aids, gauze, cotton, antiseptics, antibiotics, pain killers, anti-allergies and other such over the counter drugs that you would need.

Other Essentials: When you carry that survival kit and walk out of your house, your home, to survive you would be filled with mixed emotions. There are loads of memories and mixed emotions that would be over whelming you. Furthermore, the question that you will keep asking yourself, “will I come back to all of this again.” When these feelings take over, one feels the need to carry everything with them. Do not make that mistake. Essentials in your survival kit should include sanitizers, tooth brush, tooth paste, toilet paper, extra cash, batteries and torch.

Throughout centuries we as humans have survived. Survival is what has evolved mankind and put us where we are. Survival is only possible if you are prepared. Hence do not take that lightly and start your survival preparation before it is too late!


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