Places to Avoid in SHTF

Places to Avoid in SHTF

March 24, 2018 Preparedness S.H.T.F. Security 0

Places to Avoid in SHTF
Micheal Kline “Reality Check” Audio player below!

Places to Avoid in SHTFIn this show, we are going to be talking about places to avoid when SHTF. We all see the pictures and videos of store shelves stripped bare before a major storm. We see the long lines at hardware stores with people buying plywood and generators. What about these places after a major event? We see the video and hear the reports of looters cleaning out the shoe, clothing, and electronics stores.

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We are going to be talking about some of the common places to avoid like big box stores, clothing stores, and electronic stores. We will also be covering some uncommon places like pawn shops, pharmacies, guns stores, hospitals, urgent care, dentist offices, etc. After a major event and when the rule of law is stretched thin there are going to be people that target dentist, doctor, and urgent care offices for medicines and supplies. Heck, even some of you preppers out there might be thinking the same thing in order to obtain medical supplies.

There are people that are going to break into pawnshops and guns stores for the weapons and ammunition. People will be attacking hospitals and urgent care facilities in order to get medical supplies and treatment. Doctors, nurses, and staff may have to perform their craft at gunpoint. Think about what could happen if an armed gang takes over a hospital. When we as preppers plan to bug out or bug in we need to be aware of these places and to avoid them. It is likely that looters and the lesser society will be drawn to these places so it’s best for us to avoid them.

If will only be after a few weeks and once things have died down or more likely died off then it might be safe to check these places out to see if anything has been left.

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