Robotics and the Face Off!

Robotics and the Face Off!

August 28, 2015 Disaster I Am Liberty Man Made Survival 0

Robotics and the Face Off!
James Walton “I Am Liberty

Robotics and the Face OffIt’s been said many ways. Technology is unstoppable. If we wanted to haunt the progression of technology today we couldn’t do it. It’s a force for good by far but there are things that are progressing amidst this freight train of tech that will change everything. One of these things is genetics. Another is robotics. Have you thought about drones, robots and AI in the next 10 years? Have you thought of an unhinged government with this power at its fingertips. What if drones with infrared technology and stun guns chased you down instead of a flabby police officer. Are prepared to face off against robotics and drones from an opposing military force.

Robotics and the Face Off! Marcusendo3I write poetry and fiction with the occasional non fiction. It’s in my nature to imagine scenarios just like these. The survivalist in me can’t help but wonder how us humans of flesh and bones could battle the forces of carbon fiber. Of course this is a little sci fi for many of us. The fact is most of us will see a robot face off with a human in our lifetime. Mark my words.

There are some great weapons against the infrared vision of drones. There are likely and unlikely sources of information for combating drones and I want to talk about them. It’s a night unlike many on I AM Liberty. You could call it a night of science fiction or a night of foresight. Enjoy it.
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