Omega Plague Post-Apocalypse

Omega Plague Post-Apocalypse

November 19, 2015 Books Disaster Interview Survival Surviving Dystopia 0

Omega Plague Post-Apocalypse
D.J. Cooper “Surviving Dystopia

Omega Plague Post-ApocalypseThis week on Surviving Dystopia it is my genuine pleasure to welcome fellow indie author P.R. Principe, Author of the post-apocalyptic novel, Omega Plague: Collapse.

A description from his website on his book, “An airborne strain of the AIDS virus decimates humanity. Bruno Ricasso, an Italian cop, a Carabiniere, struggles to survive on the island of Capri while Europe erupts in flames and society crumbles. But when his solitary existence is broken, Bruno returns to the empty city of Naples in search of answers.

11-18-15 virusCan Bruno find a way to stay alive in the ruins of civilization? Or will Bruno’s past sins prove even more deadly than the Omega Plague?”

This really brings questions to mind about such things we may need to think of in preparing for biological disasters in our efforts. Having served on active duty as a commissioned U.S. Air Force officer I think brings the military perspective to the possibilities in such a scenario.

He also has learned to forge a broadsword and has an amateur radio license, hopefully he can share some that knowledge with us this week and give a perspective that is both valuable and interesting.

As with other Post-apocalyptic authors I have had on the show, I am curious about ways we can use fiction to help enhance our preparedness and provide different perspectives to possible outcomes maybe we could have overlooked. I too would love to delve into the world of the indie artists with him and get his take on the indie world.

11-18-15 ebolaHis book as with mine has an element of the biological dangers that may lie in wait for the unprepared masses. Differences in each of these also affect the means by which we may prepare and keep ourselves safe. He speaks of airborn Aids virus while I found Ebola to be particularly nasty in my book. Either way the issues that come along with any Plague or epidemic are scary and specific. I look forward to gaining his insight and discussing our books and the impact that the scenarios might imply.

Take a moment to grab his book here. Give it a read and join us for some conversation and a look into the thoughts of its author. Check P.R. Principe out on the web as well.

Up Next week: Describing Dystopia
Surviving Dystopia

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