Fallout and Radiation Sickness!

Fallout and Radiation Sickness!

September 4, 2017 Herbal Medicine Herbal Prepper nuclear Treatment 0

Fallout and Radiation Sickness
Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live” Audio player below!

Fallout and Radiation SicknessLearn how to protect yourself from fallout and radiation sickness and how herbal medicine may help in this week’s episode of Herbal Prepper Live. This issue came up during last week’s “Ask Cat” show. I had some information about blue-green algae, but promised to delve into the topic deeper this week.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Fallout and Radiation Sickness” in player below!

The threat of nuclear war has been on everyone’s minds lately. North Korea marches ever closer to being able to reach out and touch the US mainland with a nuclear warhead. Iran is no doubt following in their footsteps. Our government seems hell bent on pissing off both Russia and China. Add to this the more likely threat of a dirty bomb made with stolen radioactive material, and we have more than enough reason to be prepared for an attack.

In this episode, I will cover what fallout is, how to avoid it, what happens to the body when it is exposed to radiation, and what you can do to minimize your risk of exposure. We will talk about protecting the thyroid with potassium iodide and iodine, plus a range of herbs for detoxification and symptom relief.

Fallout and radiation sickness are serious business. Ideally, you would want to be able to go straight to a hospital for care. That may or may not be possible in the immediate aftermath of a nuclear attack. There will be mass panic and a rush on medical care. Local hospitals could easily reach surge capacity quickly and be left with no available beds or staff to assist you. This is why you must be ready to reduce your risk of exposure and have some backup plan ready in case medical care is not available.

While there isn’t much one can do if they at the blast site, there are thankfully many things you can do in order to be ready for such an attack outside the blast zone. This is the new reality. The sooner we educate and prepare ourselves, the better off we will be.

For more information on learning about herbal medicine and emergency preparedness, please check out my books Prepper’s Natural Medicine and Prepping for a Pandemic, my videos on my YouTube channel, as well as my online herbal courses on HerbalPrepper.com.

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