Johnny Jacks Green Beret & Author

Johnny Jacks Green Beret & Author

April 8, 2016 Books Disaster Interview Prepping for Tomorrow 0

Johnny Jacks: Former Green Beret & New Preparedness Author ofAbsolute Anarchy
Bobby Akart “Prepping For Tomorrow

Johnny Jacks Green Beret & AuthorOn this episode of the Prepping for Tomorrow program with Author Bobby Akart, Johnny Jacks, former Green Beret & new preparedness author, will be my special guest.

On his seventeenth birthday, Johnny Jacks enlisted in the U.S. Air Force, later transferring to the U.S. Army where he became a Special Forces soldier, a Green Beret. He completed training at the U.S. Army Special Warfare Center at Fort Bragg, North Carolina in the spring of 1966 and began a career serving on Special Forces A teams in Europe, Asia, and Central America, including a combat assignment to Special Forces A team 102, Tien Phuoc, Vietnam, 1967-1968. He became proficient in guerrilla warfare strategies and tactics, communications, intelligence gathering, and guerrilla group organization and operations.

After retiring from the Army in 1982, he worked for several government agencies over the next thirty years in significant positions involving national security and emergency preparedness program implementation and policy-making. These roles provided him with knowledge of the national security policy relating to continuity of government and continuity of operations with insight into what will take place with the senior leadership when the Schumer hits the fan and the nation falls into a state of absolute anarchy.

4-7-16 absolute-anarchy-cover-artThis combination of experience and education in off-grid, self-reliant living, guerrilla warfare, and national security policy imbued him with unique insight into today’s individual and group prepper survival needs and requirements and gave him the skills and knowledge needed to defeat organized gangs and other bad guys and assist refugees under a state of absolute anarchy.

Hence, the title of his upcoming new release, ABSOLUTE ANARCHY, an interactive study guide to surviving the coming collapse. This fantastic new prepper/survival guide includes a foreword by Dr. Joe Alton, a/k/a Dr. Bones, author of the Survival Medicine Handbook.

Johnny has created an interesting concept with Absolute Anarchy. The book will be closely tied to his website, He suggests that his readers study the book and the suggested supplementary information found online. Participate in the practical learning exercises described in Chapter 11 of Absolute Anarchy.  You will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to become a self-reliant survivalist, fully prepared for TEOTWAWKI.

He believes many preppers are oriented toward survivalist techniques, the sort of things that Lewis and Clark, Daniel Boone, and Davy Crockett, and other pioneers used to exist on the frontier of the time. Johnny does not discuss Rambo stuff in this book, just the practical application of prepper and off-grid living techniques that will enhance your ability to exit the other side of the die-off alive and ready to reconstruct a new America as envisioned by our Founding Fathers.
Visit Bobby Akart website HERE! 
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