Intelligence means and methods in Time of Disaster!

Intelligence means and methods in Time of Disaster!

May 18, 2012 Disaster In Time of Disaster Survival 0

You have your BOB’s and GHB’s packed, you have your BOL and BOV ready to go with fuel and a year’s supply of food. You have you MNR and sidearms dialed in with bricks of ammo stocked.You have your doomsday vault with non-GMO seeds in your cellar. YOU ARE PREPPED!!! Bring on the NWO, Blue Hats, and OWS. Them black helicopters gonna play hell getting to your redoubt!! Good for you, but what is your trigger to bug-out? What do you have in the way of intelligence, pre-planning, and contingency planning? This show with Karen and Chris of In Time of Disaster covers intelligence means and methods that you can use NOW to enable you to survive later. Listen to this show in player below.

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