Humanity “In Time of Disaster”

Humanity “In Time of Disaster”

August 31, 2012 Disaster In Time of Disaster 0

This Friday on “In Time of Disaster” we will discuss humanity, or the lack thereof in the aftermath of a major disaster and how it will not only affect your family but all of humanity as society begins to fall into the depths of despair and manufactured hate as a lack of everything brings out the worst in people.

As gangs form and become organized, the rest of society begins to come together in an attempt to protect what little they have and as a means to protect each other from what could become something worse than the disaster which triggered man’s inhumanity to man in the first place.

In an attempt to see what possibilities the future could hold for all of us, we will look into the past to see what lessons history can teach us about the way we have treated each other when we have nothing left other than our humanity.
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