House Fire, smoke inhalation and burn care!

House Fire, smoke inhalation and burn care!

October 26, 2015 Disaster Emergency Herbal Prepper Herbs Medical Planning 0
House Fire, smoke inhalation and burn care!
Cat Ellis “Herbal Prepper Live

House Fire FRFD TrucksA couple of months ago, our smoke detectors went off. I didn’t think much about it at first, as they had only ever done that when one of their batteries was near dead. Then the doorbell rang, and the elderly man who lives on the first floor of our house yelled through our intercom to get out, there was a fire.

I had just finished working out when the alarms went off. I had just ordered the kids to grab their emergency bags and get out, when my husband had come running up three flights of stairs from the basement to get us. The smoke was already all the way up to the third floor in the stairwell. It was so dark from the smoke, we could barely see. And as we got closer to the first floor and the fire, it got harder to breathe.

House Fire Grease fire 1st floorFor someone with a bad knee, I hustled it down those stairs as fast as I could. My husband had to carry our daughter. Even though we had run fire drills, she froze at the sight of the smoke at the top of the stairs. My husband went back in to get the elderly woman on the first floor. She was still trying to put the fire out. It didn’t click in her head that it was time to leave.

House Fire Damage through ceilingThankfully, the fire was put out quickly and didn’t get an opportunity to travel through the walls of the house. Thankfully, the only injuries were minor smoke inhalation (my husband), and some minor burns (the elderly tenant on the 1st floor).

You prepare for emergencies. That’s what preppers do. But, sometimes it takes an emergency to show you where the holes in your plans are. We found some major holes in our plans. We also did some things exactly right. We were extremely lucky, though, that this was only a minor housefire. We got to learn a lot without any major injuries or worse.

Let me share with you what we learned going through this experience, what we have changed as a result, plus some thoughts on dealing with smoke inhalation and burn care. Let our experience help you get better prepared for a house fire.
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