Five Survival Lessons We’ve Learned From Natural Calamities!

Five Survival Lessons We’ve Learned From Natural Calamities!

July 30, 2017 Articles Disaster Natural Preparedness 0

Five Survival Lessons We’ve Learned From Natural Calamities

Five Survival Lessons We’ve Learned From Natural CalamitiesSince the dawn of man, there have been countless natural disasters responsible for taking innocent lives and causing quite a bit of both material and emotional damage. Fortunately, since technology is so advanced nowadays, we are much better equipped to deal with this kind of scenario than we were a few centuries ago.

However, that fact alone isn’t by any means a guarantee that you’ll be able to stay safe during a natural disaster, and that is something that depends a lot on how you handle your particular situation.

The good news is that, because as a race we’ve lived through quite a number of various natural disasters, we were able to learn some pretty crucial things about how to handle them, and so you don’t have to experience a natural disaster firsthand in order to be able to handle yourself.

Today, I want to talk about some of the most important lessons that we’ve learned through experiencing natural disasters, and how we can use this knowledge to our advantage in case we ever find ourselves in a similar situation.

1. Strength in Numbers

The worst thing you can do to yourself during a natural disaster is to decide to go solo. As long as there are other people around you, your chances of survival will almost always be higher than if you are alone, especially if you suffer from some kind of disability. Make sure you stick together with your friends and family and get as many people around you as you possibly can, and you’ll find that everything will be a whole lot easier.

2. Prioritizing is Crucial

I know that you really want to save those photo albums from when your kids were very little or that very cute vase that you got from your parents as a wedding gift, but you have to realize that these items have very little value in an all out survival situation and will just slow you down. When it’s about whether you’re getting out of the situation alive, it’s time to be realistic and pack only the things that you absolutely need. This includes food, water, first aid, perhaps a fire starting kit and similar items – the bare essentials in other words, and bringing anything else along will just add unnecessary weight and you won’t be able to move as fast as you might need to.

3. Underestimating Nature

That storm that’s going to strike in a few hours could be just an ordinary storm, but it could also be a flash flood that will very effectively separate you from your family if you decide that you have to go fishing that very same day. It is very important to always listen to the forecast and obey all the warnings that you are given, because it might just end up saving your life.

Nature is extremely powerful, and both its power to create and its power to destroy is tremendous and awe inspiring, so underestimating it is a really bad idea that could end up costing you a lot.

4. Raising Awareness

You can be the most capable person in the world when it comes to surviving a natural disaster, but if everyone around you is oblivious to it, this can quickly become a problem. It’s crucial to educate your neighbors about the dangers of a natural disaster, and it can be a great idea to put together a basic plan that will tell you all what to do in the event of a natural calamity, and what your responsibilities are. Working inside a functional group like this can be extremely beneficial in a crisis, so if you’re an influential, extroverted person that knows how to get through to people, make an effort and educate them about the seriousness of natural disasters and how to deal with them.

5. Control Your Fear

People panic in times of danger. Panic is extremely easy to start, it spreads like wildfire and it is very hard to extinguish it once it’s begun. The problem with panic is that minds driven by fear are not only completely useless when it comes to surviving a natural disaster, but they can also be very dangerous for everybody else. When someone starts to panic, it’s important that you try to calm them down, and keep yourself as calm as possible as well.

Robert Foster is a Santa Barbara native, who’s spent more than 5 years trying to help people understand the importance of fitness. He’s also an experienced survivalist who spends more than 200 hours every year mountain biking, hiking and climbing. If you want to have a better insight into his unique knowledge, head over to and read some of his interesting articles.


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