EMP… Lights Out!

EMP… Lights Out!

December 17, 2015 Disaster E.M.P. Man Made Surviving Dystopia 0

EMP… Lights Out!
DJ Cooper “Surviving Dystopia

EMPMost of us have heard of this thing called the EMP, but what exactly is it?  E.M.P. is short forElectro Magnetic Pulse, in essence a surge of electricity capable of frying modern electronics.

nuclear_power_01There is some history behind the EMP, it was discovered as a side effect of nuclear detonation.  However, that is not the only thing that can produce an EMP and modern electronics are not the only thing possibly effected.  In 1859 a solar storm, also known as the Carrington Event produced one of the largest geomagnetic storms ever recorded.  A coronal mass ejection also known as a CME hit earth’s magnetosphere producing this geomagnetic storm which also had the E.M.P. effect.  This was so large that U.S. telegraph operators reported sparks leaping from their equipment some were bad enough to set fires.

nuclear blast125x231An EMP can also be produced by detonating a nuclear explosion at extremely high altitudes, when striking the upper atmosphere the intial gamma ray burst creates high energy electrons that become trapped in the earth’s magnetic field generating a pulse of electromagnetic energy.  An EMP was discovered as a side effect of the Starfish Prime nuclear test on July 9, 1962.  All it took was a 1.5 Megaton bomb that blew up street lights and tv sets in Hawaii 1,000 miles away, even destroying a number of satellites including the Telstar I.

The findings of the EMP commission report of 2008 clearly shows we are indeed vulnerable to an EMP attack.  If something similar happened today with all the high tech equipment that maintains and runs even our most basic of services the world would come to a screeching halt.  Our power grid is seriously in need of upgrade and even our vehicles today have susceptible computers that keep them running.  Power, internet, phones all would disappear.  Your water would cease to flow and even the trucks that bring food to your local stores might cease to run.

Join me as we discuss EMP issues and find out how you can win a copy of Ted Koppel’s book titled Lights Out that is an excellent example of what might happen in this country if the power grid was to fail.
Up Next Week: Protecting your preps
Surviving Dystopia Get The Book HERE!

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