Grid Down Black Sky Event!

Grid Down Black Sky Event!

September 12, 2018 Disaster E.M.P. Emergency nuclear 0

Grid Down Black Sky Event!
David A. Vine “All Hazards Communications Preparedness” Audio player below

Grid Down Black Sky EventImagine waking up in the middle of the night. You are suddenly jarred awake by a strange warning siren you rarely hear. You’re equipped with a NOAA Weather Radio in your bedroom but it hasn’t gone off. Is it the bad storm you heard about earlier.

Darn, there’s no power and you forgot to change the backup battery you installed when you set up the radio a few years ago. Now you’re starting to get worried. What’s happening??? Just like you, your neighbors have gone outside to see what’s going on. They are talking with each other in hushed voices and you’re starting to get edgy.

Listen to this broadcast or download “Grid Down Black Sky Event” in this player!

***Note*** The first few minutes of this broadcast suffered poor connection but was resolved quickly, please bear with the technical difficulties and you will be glad you did.

What will you do when America is struck, one way or another, by the Black Sky Event?

Do you remember where you were and what you felt on September 11, 2001? There’s an even greater threat looming and it’s a near certainty it will happen next week, next year or further into the future. We just don’t know when it will hit America. Tune into the Prepper Broadcasting Network and join us in player above to hear about this enormous threat and what’s actually being done to prevent the total collapse of American society.

Our Sept. 11 guest for the live podcast is David Womick, producer of the documentary “Black Sky Event.” He briefs us on the efforts being made to prevent this huge disaster.

Last year David Womick read the book, “One Second After.” The 2009 novel tells the story of an unexpected (E.M.P.) electromagnetic pulse attack on the United States as seen through the eyes of people living in Black Mountain, a small town in North Carolina.

David had never considered that the grid could go down or what life would be like without electricity. He feared for his family and himself. It was a turning point in his life. He could help the people working hard to get something done about the problem by producing a documentary video. David Womick, an experienced video producer, will give you the inside story with some of the details he has gleaned from Generals and Ambassadors as well as many nationally known scientists and engineers.

He and I will bring you up to speed on the different pieces of this complicated problem. Not only EMP or CME but even a dedicated enemy cyber attack would force us into the dark, tomorrow or ten years in the future. As you already know, it would take a very long time to recover.

Black Sky Event Trailer… Watch HERE!

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